News from Foundation

WOW!!! This term has gone so quickly!!! We can't believe how much we have grown and learnt in Foundation!!!
J is for Jelly
In Foundation we love to do an activity that relates to the letter we are learning!! Last week we learnt the letter J and the song for the letter J is about Jelly! So we decided to make some and it was very yummy!!!
Harmony Day
We loved celebrating Harmony Day yesterday by talking about all the things that make us different and how special that is! It was so great to hear the Foundations talk about how even though people look different they can still be friends and should be treated fairly! They loved making their crowns, singing the special Harmony Day song as well as singing some Indigenous songs! Here is the link to our video!
This term for Inquiry we have been learning about Identities! We talked about what makes us who we are from the way that we look to the things that we love! To finish off the unit the Foundations have created some Identity posters about them! They will be presenting them to their families on Tuesday 26th March at 2:15 pm in the Foundation classroom! We hope to see you all there!
Here are some snaps over the past few weeks!!