Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Welcome back to Term Two

Our Middle School students have returned to Salvado Catholic College with a refreshed spirit and a 'smarter' look, with many proudly donning their blazers. We extend our gratitude to the students and their supportive parents and caregivers for helping us uphold the standards we set to prepare our young people for life beyond school.

Homework Club in the Hub

Following the release of Progress Reports in the final week of Term One, providing valuable feedback on Achievement, Effort, Organisation, and Behaviour, the College is pleased to offer additional support to students. Starting this term, teachers will be available on Monday afternoons to assist students. We recommend students grab an extra snack at the end of the school day before diving into their studies.

An Exciting Term Ahead!

As we also dive into the new term, we have a jam-packed schedule that includes the Inter-House Cross Country, Lightning Carnivals and a Year 9 Camp. These events are designed to foster the holistic development of our young learners, providing them with opportunities for both fun and challenge. We anticipate that these experiences will be cherished memories for years to come.


Mr Brendan McGrath 

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)