From the Principal

Term Two - A recommitment to growth

Welcome back to school; students and families!


It is shaping up to be another purposeful and exciting term with continued focus on our commitment to one school, one community, one approach.


School staff have been busily preparing learning experiences, new initiatives in and out of the classroom and considering ways of improving what already is a strong commitment to the development and growth of young people.


On Monday, staff identified individual 1% micro-changes they could make in their teaching practice and contribution to the life of school as we hold steadfast to our themes of culture, engagement and excellence in 2024.


Collectively, staff identified 140 micro-changes to bring about positive growth in our school as we move forward together. 


I encourage all families to discuss a 1% micro-change their child might make this term to ensure continued development and growth. This could simply be re-writing notes from classes at the end of the school day, completing homework on time, seeking feedback from their teacher, having their uniform ready the night before, trying something new, participating in whole school events, and even making their bed in the morning!


If all of our students and staff make a 1% micro-change this term, we will witness 770 individual changes to the eco-system of our school that will transform our community. If this is replicated in Terms Three and Four, then 2,310 micro-changes will be made. Imagine what we might achieve together?


May growth in all things be our mantra as a community this term. 


Go well.

Mr Mathew Irving | Principal

Lake King Boarding Meet-up & Sundowner

This term we are continuing our regional roadshow and are looking forward to catching up with boarding families from around Lake King and surrounds.


Please feel free to share the invitation to attend with family and friends.


The next event planned is in Mount Barker and information will shortly be made available.