Professional Learning at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership

The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (the Academy) offers a wide range of evidence-informed professional learning designed to advance school leaders skills from great to exceptional.
Explore the highlights below or visit the Academy website for further professional learning opportunities.
Leading School Improvement
Commences 30 April
Learn how to be strategic, flexible and agile when implementing short- medium- and long-term changes in line with your school strategic plan.
For more information and to apply visit the Leading School Improvement webpage.
Coaching and Mentoring
On demand
Access on-demand coaching or mentoring to build and strengthen your leadership capability, or play a role in developing leadership expertise by mentoring aspiring principals and assistant principals.
For more information and to apply visit the Coaching and Mentoring webpage.
Consider promoting to colleagues in your school.
Impact: Emerging Leaders
Commences 1 May
Grow capabilities as a transformative leader by developing higher levels of proficiency in data-driven decision-making, emotional intelligence, excellence and equity in student learning, and collaborative change.
For more information and to apply visit the Impact: Emerging Leaders webpage.
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