Post Easter?
Easter can be a blessed time to catch up with family and friends, as well as the opportunity to recognise and give thanks for the salvation and eternal life that we have through Jesus' death and resurrection.
Growing up in Sydney, we enjoyed going to the Royal Easter Show and all of the agriculture displays (and the old showground had so much character and atmosphere!). There were the traditional rugby games to watch (and wasn't it good to see the Tigers having a one point win over the Eels on Easter Monday!).
Yet, what to make of Easter Monday after the excitement of Jesus' resurrection on the Sunday? What next for us? The enormous scale of what God has done in raising Jesus from the dead continues to resonate with me every Easter. That God defeated death by His own death is the final, and most absolute, victory!
Without the hope that we have in Jesus – a bodily resurrected Jesus – we would be left with nothing in the here and now. In 1 Corinthians 15: 19, Paul writes: “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied”. Jesus is raised not just as an idea, but physically, out of the grave, for us, so that we might also have eternal life - and this is the most wonderful hope that it is!
Another event that happens around this time of year is the US Masters Golf at Augusta.
Just like potentially watching a Scottie Scheffler victory at the Masters this year (if he holds his nerve with the putter!), the story of Jesus has an even more definite outcome - offering us salvation and eternal life.
God, we give thanks that through your Son, Jesus, you overcame death and opened the door to everlasting life for us. Amen.
Will Wallace