Staff Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Free Staff Uniforms
A reminder to staff about appropriate dress for working with students with a disability. Staff should wear clothing which is 'not revealing or foreseeably offensive to others (staff and students). That activewear should only be worn on days when sporting activities are undertaken by the staff member, or at school camps or similar. Open-toed shoes are not permitted (i.e. Rubber thongs, high heels, heel strap). Staff have a duty under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) to take reasonable care for their own health and safety in the workplace which would include choosing appropriate clothing and footwear for the duties they are performing.
Our Staff Dress Code policy has been updated and is now accessible through our Jackson Policy Advisory Library (PAL) in iNewsletter. Please click here to view:
In 2024, we will be purchasing one set of staff uniform for those who wish to wear them. These will include the jacket and polo shirt below and some new items as discussed with the Consultative Committee. Samples will arrive this week. Please also see the links for some of the items below:
Men's Black Jacket:
Men's Navy Jacket:
Men's Jet Polo Black/Cyan:
Men's Grey/Cyan:
Ladies' Black Jacket:
Ladies' Navy Jacket:
Ladies' Jet Polo Black/Cyan:
Ladies' Grey/Cyan:
If you are interested in a staff uniform please contact Jo Garofalo. Staff can also purchase their own additional items which can be claimed back on your tax return. We will now use our Uniform supplier AGS Prints in Coburg.
New Employee Wellbeing Support Services
Employee Wellbeing Support Services will replace the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) delivered by TELUS Health from Monday 15th April 2024.
Our new provider, Converge International, will deliver Employee Wellbeing Support Services. The free and confidential services support school staff wellbeing.
Employee Wellbeing Support Services will have a suite of new offerings, including:
- Employee Assist, Manager Assist, Career Assist, Legal Assist (for personal non-work related legal matters), Money Assist, Family Assist, Nutrition and Lifestyle Assist, and Conflict Assist
- dedicated specialist helplinesfor staff who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, identify as LGBTIQA+, have disability or are a carer for a person with disability, staff experiencing domestic and or family violence, require support with loved ones entering aged care or those seeking spiritual and pastoral care.
Converge International will continue the current onsite support for schools after critical incidents.
Transition to the new provider
Staff who have sessions booked with a TELUS Health clinician through the former EAP on or before Sunday 14 April 2024 can still access up to 4 free counselling sessions with that clinician until Saturday 15 June 2024.
TELUS Health will let new clients know about the transition and will refer staff seeking a counselling appointment to Converge International from Monday 15 April 2024.
We anticipate a high demand for services, so there may be a short wait for staff initially. Converge International will prioritise school critical incidents for urgent response.
We will provide further information on the transition to Employee Wellbeing Support Services in the Tuesday 16 April 2024 edition of School Update.
For more information, refer to Employee Wellbeing Support Services pre-launch fact sheet below
COVID Safe Plan
Schools must continue to:
- ensure air purifiers are in use
- maximise external ventilation
- encourage good personal hygiene
- make face masks available for staff and visitors who wish to wear them
The revised COVID-19 Safety Management Plan (COVIDSafe Plan) applies to all schools, outlines the key health and safety risks, and links to the latest guidance.
Staff Wellbeing Plan
In 2023 we developed a Staff Wellbeing Plan about the actions we are taking as a school to promote, protect and address staff mental health and wellbeing. Despite WRV being present in all schools, this remains an ongoing concern for us at Jackson. We have received additional funding for a refresher of the Protective Intervention Training (PIT), which supports staff in keeping themselves safe during critical incidents at work. It is vitally important that staff continue to lodge EduSafe reports when injured at work so that the Department, Secretary and Ministers are informed of the challenges faced within our schools every day. Staff must do everything they can to keep themselves safe during critical incidents where students are displaying unsafe behaviours of concern. Do not intervene physically or verbally, and keep yourself and other students safe when a student is escalated.
For more information, please visit:
Staff Wellbeing & Greater Space
Following staff feedback at the end of last year, Alex Baynes (Social Worker) has been appointed as the Staff Wellbeing Officer. All members of the leadership are also available and happy to provide staff with assistance when required. Just ask - We'll make the time! We will also continue to have Week 5 as our Staff Wellbeing Week for the term, where staff can finish early on the Wednesday of this week.
This year, we invested in Greater Space to provide additional mental health and wellbeing support for staff.
Greater Space is an innovative mental & professional health care solution specifically designed for educators. Educators meet with their preferred practitioner and discuss whatever they need to in order to be at their best for their students, colleagues or clients. Their mental health practitioners have worked in the classroom, and are also mental health practitioners - so we can help with a broad range of issues either related to your work, or beyond. They offer:
- 1:1 Virtual Counselling
- Clinical Supervision
- Critical Incident Preparation & Debriefing
- Professional Development & Group Consulting
This is a free service paid for by Jackson School to support your mental health and wellbeing. It is completely anonymous and confidential. We only get an invoice for the number of sessions used.
To book in, click on the link below or use the tile on the portal. Select your preferred specialist and time. Include JACKSON in the redeem coupon section so you don't have to pay.