Student Wellbeing

Back to school - a time of change and adjustment.

The return to school is an exciting time. It signals a new chapter in your child's learning and social/emotional development. Change is a challenge for all of us. While returning to familiar routines can be comforting, there is an adjustment period for even the most confident child. 

Teachers will support all students with establishing routines and expectations in the first weeks of the term. The following tips may help support your child's return to school:

  • Develop a morning school routine.
  • At home, encourage your child to do small tasks independently such as packing and unpacking their school bag.
  • Discuss the school day with particular attention given to the good things that happened or new learning.
  • Say goodbye in the morning with confidence and reassure your child of the pickup. routine. Demonstrate to them that they are safe and ready for the day.
  • Model calm and positivity, this helps children feel secure and excited about school.
  • When children are worried or upset, listen and ask "What do you think you could do tomorrow?" Please encourage them to problem-solve and communicate their worries to their teacher. Then communicate your concerns with the homegroup teacher if the problem is not resolved. This empowers resilient children to be confident in managing challenging situations.

We wish you a great year ahead with many opportunities to celebrate learning and personal growth.



Deputy Principal & Wellbeing Leader



Deputy Principal & Learning Diversity Leader