Important Dates

Term 1 Dates

Monday 3rd February School begins for all students 
Friday 7th February Year 6 Interschool SPorts begins
February 11th, 12th, 18th, 19thDistrict Swimming Team Trials
Tuesday 18th February2025 Prep Parent Information Evening
Monday 3rd MarchPreps begin full time
Wednesday 5th MarchAsh Wednesday Liturgies
Wednesday 12th MarchNAPLAN Begins
Thursday 13th March Prep Family Welcome Picnic
Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th MarchSchool Photos
Wednesday 19th March 

Year 4 Swimming begins

Reconciliation Faith Night

Saturday 22nd MarchCommunity Fair
Tuesday 25th MarchSacrament of Reconciliation 
Monday 31st March Professional Learning for Staff
Wednesday 2nd April  Celebration of Learning
Friday 4th AprilTerm 1 Ends

2025 Key Dates

Term Dates

Term 1 - Thursday 30th January - Friday 4th April

Term 2 - Monday 22nd April - Friday 4th July

Term 3 - Monday 21st July - Friday 19th September

Term 4 - Monday 6th October - Tuesday 16th December


School Closure Days - Pupil Free

Monday 31st March - Professional Learning for Staff

Friday 6th June - Staff Time in Lieu

Monday 23rd June - Professional Learning for Staff

Monday 3rd November - Staff Time in Lieu

Friday 5th December - 2026 Staff Planning Day



Reconciliation - Tuesday 25th March

First Eucharist - Saturday 31st May

Confirmation - Saturday 16th August



Year 6 Camp - Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th August

Year 4 Extended Day Camp - TBC Term 3

Year 5 Camp - Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29th October