Thrive for girls - one spot left
One spot left! please email the office if your daughter would like to take part, commences next week!
We have been very fortunate to be offered the services from a local business Thrive Well-being and counselling services. Emily has offered to support a small group of girls in the middle school with a Mindful girls lunchtime program. Please take a moment to read the attached flyer which provide more information about Emily and the program she is going to run so you are aware of the program offered. Please also take the time to discuss this opportunity with your child.
If your daughter is aged 8 - 12 and would like to be part of the program, please email the school at There is one spot available, so first in. The cost is $30 per student x 4 sessions = $120 to be paid Week one term 4. If you have any questions, please email