Around the Classrooms
Year 5/6DW
Reading By Bella and Aaron
In Reading, we have been learning about different types of planets in our solar system. Some of these include Jupiter, Earth, Saturn and more. We have researched the different characteristics of the planets and used different types of reciprocal reading roles such as Illustrator, Clarifier, Summariser, Connector and Questioner. We had lots of fun while doing these roles and we would all love to do them again if we could in the future.
Writing By Heidi, Anh and Lachlan
In Writing, we have been learning about Newspaper articles. We have learnt about the features of them, such as the Heading, Introduction that includes the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, why), the Main Body and Conclusion. We also have been writing newspaper articles on various topics like Bushfires, The St. Andrews Got Talent and the St. Andrews Fun Fair. We had a fun time learning about the structure and different ways to engage the reader. Overall, we learnt a lot and now have lots of knowledge on newspaper articles just like this one!
Maths By Aariya, Jayden and Mariam
For the last few weeks, we have been learning about Data, Perimeter and Area. For Data, we have learnt how to interpret and collect data. We have also learnt how to make different types of graphs, how to pose a question and how to make questions. Our second subject is Perimeter and Area. In this topic, we have been learning how to calculate the Perimeter of composite shapes and how to find the length of unknown sides.
Inquiry By Mark and Naomi
For Inquiry this term, we have been learning about natural disasters and how to survive them. For the last few weeks we have been making slideshows about natural disasters and the impact on the environment and people. Currently, we are starting to make buildings of houses, skyscrapers and so many more to withstand different natural disasters. We are using many reusable materials such as cardboard, plastic and so much more to construct our building. To make our building stand strong in these disasters, we are using either Base Isolation Rods or Tuned- Mass Damper, a type of pendulum used inside a building. The projects are coming great so far and we hope to finish these before the end of the term.
Religion By Adam and Dut
In Religion, we have been learning about the 8 beatitudes. These eight statements were by Jesus himself and are some of the most meaningful ones are the following three, the first being blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The second most meaningful is blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Finally, the third most meaningful beatitude would be blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. These beatitudes have taught us how to follow in Jesus’ path and be kind to everyone.
PBL By Dut and Adam
In 5/6DW, we are learning about the 5 social emotional skills. Combined, all of these skills can help us to be self regulated and be even kinder than we already are. The following social emotional skills will be found in our positive school:
- Self awareness
- Self-regulation
- Communication
- Empathy
- Problem solving
We show all of these skills in our school and hope to show even more of them in the future!
Sarah DeGuzman-Wettenhall - Class 5/6DW teacher