Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1A
Welcome back to Term Four. This week in Mathematics we have been investigating money. We have been learning how to describe and sort Australian coins, along with discovering different ways to make 10c, 20c, 50c and $1. Our Hairdresser shop has provided opportunities to pay for all our creative hair designs! In Literacy, after reading numerous books on the how animals in the Dreamtime ended up with special features, we have created our own stories. These stories have been typed and will be collated into a booklet that Mr Forrest and Mr Lochart have offered to purchase. Although it is priceless, this limited edition is a bargain!
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1B
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 2
It’s hard to believe that it’s Term 4 already!
We have welcomed Mrs Mac back from her exciting holiday adventures and the Grade 2 Sleepover is just around the corner.
In our classroom we have gotten right back into learning.
In Inquiry, we are investigating push and pull forces. We have started by exploring how we can make different kinds of toys move: building a marble run, doing some magnetic fishing, folding and flying paper planes and manipulating Play-doh. We have also been observing the properties of objects that sink or float.
In Maths, we have been learning about fractions and money. Students have been folding paper to divide various shapes into equal parts and working out different ways to make $1.
In Writing, we are beginning to learn about the structure and features of persuasive texts. Students have started by creating some advertisements for toys they have designed.
When reading, students will be practising choosing and using the comprehension strategies we have learned across the year so far.
Welcome back to all Grade 2 families.
Let’s have a great final term for 2024.
Ms Young and Mrs Mac, Classroom Teachers
Year 3
In Term 2 Year 3 students read the book ‘The Wild Robot’ by Peter Brown. The book is about a robot called Roz who has to learn how to survive on an island while she also learns to communicate with other animals. While on the island, Roz adopts a gosling who she names Brightbill because of an accident with Brightbill’s parents. Roz has to learn how to be a mother whilst also teaching Brightbill to eat, fly and swim before winter when the geese migrate to warmer weather.
On Thursday, October 10th you’ll never guess where the Year 3 class went…
Year 3’s went to the Rex Theatre in Charlton to watch a special showing of The Wild Robot movie! The excursion was special because we were the only people in the whole cinema.
Miss A, Mrs Earl and Mrs Forrest came with us to the cinema. We travelled to Charlton by bus and car where we waited for the cinema to be open and the popcorn to be popped!
We sat and watched the movie, but before returning back to school we ate our lunch in the park.
Here are the students highlights from the movie –
Nate – When Roz went out to save all the animals that were in danger.
Alyson – When Roz adopted Brightbill.
Izzy – When Roz found Brightbill and he hatched and he hugged her.
Jackson – When Roz jumps out of the aircraft to stay on the island.
Ryder – I enjoyed when Bigmouth tried to eat Brightbill but Roz threw rocks to save him.
Belle – I liked when Roz saved Brightbill, but she had to lose her foot.
Jade – I liked when the big bear came out of the cave and growled in Roz’s face.
Archie – When Fink the fox threw a rabbit at the squirrels.
Lucas – I like when the bear said I will not hurt anyone and then hugged the possum.
Sahara – I liked it when Roz helped with all the animals in the forest.
Faith – My favourite part was when Roz and Brightbill got together at the start and when they were together again at the end.
Kenny – I liked when Roz helped the animals out of the snow and put them near the fire to keep them warm and cozy.
Jordan – I liked it when Roz was trying to save the animals.
Lara – I liked it when Fink the fox tried to eat Brightbill when Roz thought that parenting was going to be hard.
Elijah – My favourite part was when the bear said ‘I won’t hurt anyone.’
Year 3 are looking forward to attending camp next week and will enjoy sharing our camp adventures once we return with the school community!
Year 4,5 & 6
Cottage by the Sea was an amazing camp, we got to spend 4 days and 3 nights away with our friends!
We boogie boarded on awesome waves, channelled our inner surfers and caught endless waves while having lots of fun. We also played sponge dodgeball, where the aim was to hit the other team (and teachers) with dripping wet sponges.
Our free time was spent in the groovy playground, filled with big slides, swings, a sandpit filled with treasure, a games room and a basketball court.
When we weren’t eating delicious food cooked by the chefs at Cottage, we snacked on tasty movie popcorn and Subway after watching The Wild Robot at the movies.
We had to challenge ourselves and work in groups on the low ropes course. This helped us with our teamwork that we were working on from the get go, starting with ‘minute to win it’ challenges on night one. We were even lucky enough to look out towards the horizon to see beautiful dolphins splashing through the water.
Thank you to Mrs T, Miss Eilish, Mr Forrest, Mr D, Miss Haley and Miss Trina for coming on camp with us!
Miss Eilish and Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teachers
Year 9
Local Schools Podcast Challenge
Recently Anglicare Victoria, Making Media, Headspace and YSAS partnered with Wedderburn College to raise awareness of the importance of accessing support services early to prevent future harms.
The Schools Podcast Challenge trained students in media production and presentation and raised student awareness of the effects, risks and stigma associated with mental ill-health, drug and alcohol misuse and gambling harm. Students also learnt about the youth support services available in their region. A flipbook resource of student video and podcast interview recordings with local youth services and a person who experienced a gambling addition. Students are now promoting this resource and hope it will build a stronger, more informed community by addressing important issues that affect their peers and loved ones.
Each school hopes to attract a massive 2,000 live and podcast listeners, and video viewers. The school welcomes the support of the community to help achieve this. The school that receives the most views will be awarded a podcast kit worth up to $3000. You can support our local schools to reach their audience target by listening to the interviews on the following links and circulating these links among your networks.
Support Wedderburn College
- Fred, a young man who speaks about his experience with gambling and the harm it caused him and his family.
- local clinicians from the Gambler’s Help, YSAS and Headspace Bendigo programs
WEDDERBURN LIVE 2024 produced by Wedderburn College.
Welcome back to our Year 10 students. It has been a positive start to Term 4, with smiles on most faces during the first week.
Key Dates this term:
- Week 5 Monday (Curriculum Day) & Tuesday (Melbourne Cup Public Holiday) are pupil free days.
- Week 7 Thursday: NCTTC VET classes conclude
- Week 8: Year 11 Exams
- Week 9 Wednesday: Year 10 Classes conclude
- Week 9 Thursday – Friday: 2025 Year 11 Step Classes
- Semester 2 Year 10 exams are this term. Please remember to get into good habits and begin revising for these now, as this will assist with preparing for VCE SACs/Exams in the future.
- Hats are required to be worn during recess and lunchtime in Term 4.
- We have seen an increase in chewing gum. Chewing gum is not permitted at school.
- Homework Club is running Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays at lunchtime in Room 11. If you are finding it challenging to complete Homework at home, please utilise this time.
- If you are absent from school, please send an email to your teachers to ensure you catch up on any work that is missed. In addition to this, if you are absent on a day where homework is due, please email this through or see your teacher the day before (if known) or first thing on your return.
Mr Iser and Miss Milne, Year 10 Homeroom Teachers
Year 11 & 12
The end is here! Farewell Year 12.
Casting our minds back to January 2013, who would even imagine what your last week of school would look like? You were all fresh preppies and your school life had just begun. Your mind was full of fun and adventure. You were making new friends and learning new independence. Fast forward to 2024 and we have just begun the last week of Year 12. Time has flown and so many fantastic memories have been created. Your mind is now full of exam preparation and making plans for your future.
The time is tinged with sadness as you leave behind good friends and great relationships that you have formed with your teachers. You are leaving what is familiar and stepping into the unknown. The main thing you need to keep in mind is that you are doing your best. Don’t get to the end of this time and have regrets about what you could have achieved.
Know that as you step off into your future life, you are supported. You have your network of family and friends and work mates to help you. You also still have us! We are here if ever you have questions or concerns. We are still here to give guidance for courses, careers and counselling.
Term 4 signifies a return to warmer weather for us all and means that our students are required to wear their broad brimmed hats during recess and lunchtime.
This term will be a quick one, with our Year 12 students completing their formal classes on Friday October 18. A morning celebration and lunch will take place for our Year 12s then, with SWOTVAC (Study Without Teaching Vacation) and exam preparation taking place between Monday 21 and Tuesday 29 October.
Year 12 end of year VCAA examinations:
All Year 12 examinations will take place between Tuesday October 29 and Wednesday November 20. All examinations will take place at Donaldson Park. Students are to meet in the school library 20 minutes ahead of their exam time.
Individual examination timetables have been provided to students. If you would like an additional copy, please speak Mrs. Woodman.
ATAR Results:
Individual student ATAR results will be available to students from 7am on Thursday 12 December. Students are required to register through VTAC to receive their results. Please follow the link below to complete the registration process:
Upcoming key dates:
Friday October 18 Last day of Unit 4 classes
Friday October 18 Year 12 Morning Celebration, lunch & departure (last day)
Monday 21– Monday 28 October: Year 12 SWOTVAC
Tuesday October 29: VCAA Examinations begin – English Exam
Monday 25 – Friday 29 November: Year 11 Examination Period
Thursday 14 November: Year 12 Graduation (further details to come)
Monday 2 & Tuesday 3 December: 2025 Unit 3 /4 Step Up Week
Wednesday 11 December: Awards Night
Thursday 12 December: Year 12 Study Scores and ATAR results released (support meetings will be pre-arranged for students as requested or required)
Mrs Woodman and Mr Gretgrix, Homeroom Teachers
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Primary PE
On the second last week of term, our Primary classes participated in a scavenger hunt around the College. Students used the clues to find their next destination and a couple of groups in the Year 4/5 were able to decipher the secret message.
Next week (24th of October) ten of our Year 5/6 students will be attending Boort Oval for the Calder Cricket Blast. A reminder, students will need to bring a packed lunch and that their consent forms are due Wednesday 23rd of October.
In other news, our Year 4-6 students are lucky enough to be attending Wheelchair basketball at Red Energy Arena. Year 4/5 will be attending November 13th, whilst Year 5/6 will attend November 20th.
Last Day of Term – Sports Fun
On the last day of term, our Year 7 ran activities on the top courts and oval for Sports Colours Day. It was fantastic to see so many students engage and participate.
Big thank you to the Year 7s and Mr P for their work on the day.
On Thursday the 10th of October, we had 3 athletic superstars from Wedderburn College head to the Flora Hill Athletics Track in Bendigo to compete in the LMR Athletics carnival. Results were as follows:
- Kayla C - Shot Put (15/16 year girls)
5th with a distance of 8.67m
- Tyler P - Triple Jump (12/13 year boys)
7th with a jump of 7.17m
- Jack D - Discus (12/13 year boys)
3rd with a throw of 20.13m
Competing against Bendigo, Loddon, North Central & Mallee schools, it is a fantastic achievement to make it this far. Great effort to all 3 students.
We received an email from a very proud Father, with a photo Jack’s podium finish!!
Mr Pettifer and Miss Milne, PE Teachers
Pajama Day
The next instalment of Casual Dress Days courtesy of our 2024 Don Valley students.
Come dressed in your Pyjamas October 25th.
Remember to bring your gold coin donation, with all donations from the series of casual clothes days going to Inglewood Hostel.
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.