Years 7-9 Coordinator

Jade Nicholls

7-9 Key Dates


Weds6thOver the Locker Room Mental Health Presentation
Fri8thCyber Safety Presentation 
Mon18thStadium Meeting
Mon - Fri18th - 22nd 

Unit 2 Exams 

Step Up

Mon - Fri25th - 29th Year 9 Canoe Camp
Wed4thYear 7 Transition Day

Work Experience Reflection (Dismissed after reflection)

Infrastructure Meeting

Finance Meeting

College Council

Mon16th Charlton College Awards Ceremony 7.30pm

Reports Open

Final Day Staff

Thank you to parents and students for showing up to the Year 6 to 7 Transition Information night, last night! Miss Nicholls was very pleased to meet everyone and is looking forward to working with all the future Year 7s at the transition days coming up!

LMR Hockey

Last Wednesday, 23rd October, Charlton College sent 10 students to compete in the Loddon Mallee Region Hockey Carnival in Bendigo, with teams, combining with Birchip P-12 and St Arnaud SC to form a North Central team. Congratulations to students, who were all successful on the day and have progressed to the State level. All students showed great sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the day. Special mention to Liam M and Charlie Z, who helped out in playing for Chaffey SC, who unfortunately arrived 2 players short – well done boys!

Presentations Coming Up!

OTLR: On Wednesday, the 6th of November, we have 'Over the Locker Room' presenting to our Year 7 to 9s in Periods 5 and 6. They will be discussing important topics related to mental health for young people and provide opportunities to deal with challenging moments in adolescent lives.


Cyber Safety: Friday the 8th of November, Years 7 and 8 will sit in on a cyber safety presentation given by the Swan Hill Police. They will be discussing issues and laws pertaining to cyber safety, ensuring our young people are equipped with relevant, important information about staying safe on the internet. As most of you are aware, this is a very timely conversation. Years 7 and 8 will attend during 1:15pm and 2:15pm - as the will miss out on half of their lunch time, they will have an opportunity to have another break after the presentation, before heading off to class in period 6.


REMINDER: NO SCHOOL MONDAY & TUESDAY, the 4th and 5th NOVEMBER! Enjoy your four-day long weekend!


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