Curriculum and Learning
Year 7: Introduction to Microscopes
This week, 7 Science 1 has been on a wonderful adventure, inspecting what is really in the cells of substances we drink or see in our daily lives. We have been on an amazing voyage of wonder and discovery as we examined cells under microscopes. Including me, the students of 7SCIENCE1 jaws dropped the instant we looked further into those small, complicated worlds. As we examined the cells closely, we were astounded by the colourful architecture inside; every cell was a hive of activity. The thin membranes and the active organelles were among the details the microscope and magnification showed us. They all came in different colours, shapes and sizes. Every lesson became an exciting journey as we looked forward to discovering what new and intriguing wonders, we would come across next. In addition to being immensely entertaining, this hands-on approach helped us better understand the beauty of the tiny world and the wonders living inside of substances like coffee, salt, sugar, onion skin and many more. We were truly amazed and had a great time.
Camilio Chelala | Year 7 Student