Entry Requirement for Teachers

Casper Entry Requirements for Teacher Qualifications

Casper is an online test designed to assess an applicant’s personal and professional attributes.  Casper is a requirement of applying to many initial teaching training courses in Victoria Casper


Most universities offering undergraduate teaching courses will be requiring students sit the Casper online test as part of the selection into teaching degrees in 2025.  Students are encouraged to browse VTAC and determine which courses will require the Casper for selection.  Students might also like to browse Casper FAQs and have a look at Casper Preparation too.   Students might find this YouTube clip useful.


  • Monash Teaching Suitability Test (MTeST)

The Monash Teaching Suitability Test (MTeST) is designed for entry into Monash Initial Teacher Education courses only and cannot be used to apply for other institutions.  Importantly, this is a free alternative to Casper.

Students do not need to book in for the test as it is open every day and only takes 15 minutes to complete.  The results can take up to three weeks to be processed.


For applicants who sat both tests, Monash will use the better result of the two.


Students are encouraged to browse the following link which provides more information - Monash Teaching Suitability Test (MTeST).


  • Aptitude for Teaching Assessment (AFTA)

If you want to study an initial teacher education program at La Trobe, our AFTA is a free and on-demand alternative to the CASPer test.

La Trobe has developed the free Aptitude for Teaching Assessment (AFTA), approved by the Victorian Institute of Teaching, and is a non-cognitive scenario-based aptitude test that students can use as an alternative to the CASPer test.  Students should note that the AFTA can only be used for entry into initial teaching education programs at La Trobe.  The assessment is divided into five sections, and within each section, students will be provided with three written scenarios, presented one at a time.  The scenarios are randomised, and each section must be completed before a student can progress to the next section.  This is an aptitude test that assesses a student’s communication, self-regulated learning, teamwork, professionalism, and problem-solving skills. Find out more at Aptitude for Teaching Assessment (AFTA) - La Trobe.