School News

Hats Needed at School
The Department of Education SunSmart policy states that students must wear protective clothing, e.g. a hat, once UV levels reach 3 or above. UV levels are currently at 3, so our students will need to begin bringing and wearing their hat when outside at school. Please ensure your child's hat is named.
BPS Short Story Competition
Thank you to all of the amazing authors who entered the BPS Short Story competition this year. We were impressed by the creative ideas and descriptive language in each story. With over 50 entries, it was very difficult for our judges to select our winning stories.
Congratulations to our three winners:
P-2 | Adeline Hogarth (2W)
3-4 | Tara Doran (3S)
5-6 | Bonnie Snell (6J)
Please enjoy reading their stories!
Keli David and Anthea Cain
Literacy Learning Specialists
Years P-2 winner: Adeline Hogarth 2W
See scanned images below.
Years 3-4 winner: Tara Doran 3S
“Shhh” I heard a librarian say, as I was walking along the footpath. I slightly turned my head to the side, then BAM, I saw the sign: “Welcome to Bayside Library”. It was so bright, it felt like it was screaming at me. It was a very good advertisement, because suddenly it was pulling me in! After a few seconds I was running, even though I wasn’t controlling my legs and then I zoomed past reception, leaving the librarian bamboozled! Immediately, I grabbed a random book and started reading. The cover said: The Big Friendly Giant. The first paragraph was AMAZING and I started laughing so hard, that I fell off my chair. I had a strong grip on my book so I didn’t lose my page. Suddenly I looked at my watch and it was 9 o’clock at night time! I finally took my eyes off the book. When I looked up, there was a bunch of people yelling at me to get out because the library was closed. Eventually, I borrowed my book and guess what I did when I got home? Kept on reading.
Years 5-6 winner: Bonnie Snell 6J
The doorbell chimes above my head as I enter the old bookshop. It’s still the same. The same dusty smell, same cracked stone floors, same colourful books. Although, out of the corner of my eye, I see a book that I have never seen before! I stop in front of that book and look at the front cover. It is titled “The secrets of the forest”. It has a grand oak tree on the front, with mist coating the floor. It looks good. I open the book and start reading the first chapter.
Suddenly, I find myself in an old forest. Towering trees are blocking out the sunlight as mist covers the floor. I see a strange mysterious glow, pulling me deeper within the mist. I follow it. As I get closer, the glow becomes brighter. I want to keep going but a giant stone wall blocks my path. It is scattered with moss and thick green vines. I take a closer look at the vines, and notice a bright glow coming from behind them! Brushing them aside, I see a tunnel going through the wall. I bend down onto my hands and knees, and I crawl through. When I get to the other side, what I see amazes me:
It’s the big oak tree from the front cover of the book! Not only that, but also tiny mushroom houses surrounding it, and hanging lanterns on its branches. Little gnomes are dancing and singing with joy. Pixies are flying in every direction and magic is everywhere! This is definitely worth the adventure and effort.
I close the book and suddenly, all the music stops, and the gnomes vanish. I walk over to the counter holding my book. If this is only the first chapter, I can’t wait to read the whole thing!
Tree Planting Day
As part of our upcoming Open Afternoon next Friday 6th September, all of our students will be participating in Tree Planting Day by planting a tree on our school grounds. Parents and carers are invited to join in the fun as part of the Open Afternoon session, held from 3-3:25pm.
All plants and equipment will be at school, so no need to bring anything along.
The details:
- Friday 6th September
- 3-3:25pm
- Join your child in their classroom at 3pm, and together as a class you'll head outside to the allocated area for that year level to participate in tree planting.
School Sport Australia Diving Championships
Tilly Hilton and Archer Parsons in Year 6 both competed at the School Sport Australia diving championships in Adelaide. Tilly competed in 4 events and Archer competed in 5 events. They shared an amazing experience and made a lot of new friends. Archer came home with 4 medals. They both dived so well! Congratulations to Tilly and Archer on this wonderful achievement!
Scholastic Book Fair
This is the final week to bring in Book Fair Wish Lists.
You can drop Book Fair Wish Lists to the office or hand them to your child’s classroom teacher.
Thank you for supporting the Beaumaris Primary School library.
Eggs for Sale
Our chickens have been busy laying lots of eggs and we are selling them by the dozen.
Eggs will be available from 3pm on Fridays from the school office.
Price: $7.50 per doz. (Please pay by Eftpos, no cash at the school office.)
The chickens are laying so many eggs we are running out of egg cartons. If you have any to donate, please drop them off at the office. Thank you.
Updated Classroom Cuisine Menu
Please find an updated version of the Classroom Cuisine menu below.