From The Principal Team

Hi Parents and Carers,
Our Book Week celebrations last week were a huge success. There was a buzz around the school on Wednesday as staff and students arrived, even some younger siblings, in their Book Week character costumes. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make it such a memorable event.
Two key events took place as part of the Book Week celebrations. We came together as a school community for our Book Week assembly and parade, led by two of our library captains, Ariane and Lucy. It was lovely to have so many people from our community join and come along. As you can see from the photos, our staff had just as much fun as the students!
Our Literacy Learning Specialists, Mrs Keli David and Ms Anthea Cain, also ran a BPS Story Writing Competition, which a large number of students across the school took part in. We hope you enjoy reading the winning stories, shared on our School News page of this newsletter. We were so pleased to see how many of our writers got involved.
This Friday we will be celebrating Father's and Special Friends Day with a breakfast. This then leads into our annual Footy Day which parents, carers and special friends are welcome to stay and join in the fun. The breakfast begins at 7:30am. Thank you to our Parent Club for organising this event.
Last Thursday we shared key dates for Term 1 2025, as well as our 2025 Curriculum Day and PPD dates to assist families with forward planning. Please find a copy of this letter attached below in case you missed it.
We are very excited for the work to begin on our new Prep Playground tomorrow. Temporary fencing will be going up while the works take place. Following the installation of the new Prep Playground, work will begin on the Colourful Playground. It won't be long before these new playgrounds will be able to be enjoyed by our students!
This week we are thrilled to have launched a new website for our school. The website can be found at Our new school website is a huge revamp that aims to reflect all of the wonderful things about our school and all of the things that make our community special, in a professional, modern and concise way. Enjoy taking a look through!
We hope that our families who celebrate Father's Day and other special people in their lives enjoy the celebrations this weekend.
Kind Regards,
David, Grace and Ellen