Parent Association

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle – Saturday 24 August

Saturday 24 August was a beautiful day for sausage sizzle! The sun was shining, the BBQ’s were firing and we had a steady stream of pre Father’s Day foot traffic throughout the day.


Overall, we sold a little over 650 sausages and made a profit of $1,800!


Thank you to our incredible team of volunteers who gave up their Saturday to be there.

The event truly would not have been a success without your generosity.


Special thanks too must go to Corrado (Matteo 3/4I) who co-coordinated the day for us!


Father’s Day Stall – Wednesday 28 August

A HUGE thank you to Alicia (Imogen 3/4I) for her mammoth effort in bringing together our Father’s Day stall this year. 

There were socks, camping equipment, things for the garden, grooming kits, the ever-popular lucky dips and more! We hope all our dads and special friends received something they loved.

Thank you also to all the families who purchased raffle tickets and congratulations to all our raffle winners!

Lastly, thanks to our wonderful mums who helped out on the day and for those who assisted Alicia with the stall prep. It was so great to see so many faces on the day!


Footy Colours Day – Friday 20 September

Footy finals are almost upon us and to celebrate we will be holding our annual Footy Colours Day on Friday 20 September.  For $6, children can choose either a pie or sausage roll along with a packet of chips. Children can also purchase an additional pie or sausage roll for $4 extra.

Forms will be sent home early next week.  Payments can be made by cash or CDF Pay.  All orders and payments must be in by Friday 13 September.


Mother’s & Father’s Day Stall 2025

We are looking for two new volunteers to take over the stalls for next year as Alicia has decided to step down and take a well-earned break.

The stalls are very much a high point for the children and a wonderful fundraising opportunity for the school and so we would love two passionate and dedicated parents to step into the role.

There will be training, and support provided to you throughout the year.

If you would like to be involved or discuss further, you can reach out to Jess on 0415 320 220.