Parents' and Friends' Association (PFA)

Upcoming Events:


Remember that we always welcome and appreciate assistance from our fellow parents and guardians.  Please email us at to help at any of our upcoming events.


The 2024 Father’s Day Breakfast is TOMORROW!


**We apologise for any inconvenience but please note the time change.


When: Friday 30th of August 

Time: 7.30 - 9am

Where: Community centre at our school


We look forward to welcoming you tomorrow for our 2024 Father’s Day breakfast.   For those with food intolerances/allergies OR if you have missed the cut off for ordering food a reminder that you are welcome to BYO a similar breakfast.  Tea, coffee and juice will be available also.  We wish all our fellow families a Happy Father’s Day on Sunday and thank all who have signed up to assist with either set up or on the day.



Footy Hot dog lunch – Wednesday 18th of September






Next PFA Meeting:


Date: Wednesday 11th of September at 6pm 

in the staff room.


Please contact the PFA if you would like to join 

our next meeting.


Our PFA 2024 Class Representatives are:


Prep ASia Roussos & Terri Abeysekera
Prep BSarah Koh 
1 / 2 CJanina Pereira Mok
1 / 2 DLisa Alizzi
1 / 2 EJoanne Saulys
3 / 4 FVerina Pang 
3 / 4 GErica Madgin & Julie Moretti 
3 / 4 HLara Akinsanya
5 / 6 ISetareh Jafari
5 / 6 JMandy Hjorth
5 / 6 LManj Senn & Silvia Miracola


Have a great week ahead everyone!