Foundation Learning Community

We cannot believe we are over halfway through Term 3. Time really flies when you are having fun! 


 A reminder that as your child's readers are increasing in length and difficulty that your child will usually keep this reader for two weeks for extra practise. We are hoping that by the second week of having that book they can be reading it fluently.


This term, our text-based unit has been all about the book 'The Speedy Sloth'. The children have learnt about how we can describe a character by their appearance, traits and feelings. This week, they have been working in groups to describe Spike the sloth. They all have been contributing their ideas during this time. 


For Maths, we have been learning about collecting and interpreting data. The children have enjoyed formulating their own question to ask their peers.


We also visited the church this week as a part of our Religion lessons. The children learnt about many of the special rituals and symbols of the church, and all participated in thinking of their own special prayer.