Catholic Identity

Prayer of Compassion

Loving God,

Help us open our hearts to those around us, 

Teach us to see others with kindness,

To listen with understanding,

And to act with gentleness.


May we be instruments of Your love,

Bringing comfort to those in need,

And spreading compassion wherever we go,

Guide us to follow in the footsteps of St. Joseph,

Always choosing love and empathy in all we do.



Whole School Mass: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Last Thursday, our school came together to celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Father Junjun shared a homily on how we need to participate in life, just as Olympians do in sports. As Christians, we need to do the same and strive to be F.A.I.R., like the Blessed Virgin Mary, who lived her life by being:

  • Faithful
  • Available
  • Integrity
  • Ready

The students participated and sang beautifully. We extend our thanks to everyone involved in making this a special ceremony.

Our Call to Mission

At this week's assembly, the Catholic Identity Leaders were pleased to announce that we have collected 343 non-perishable food items for Cobram Food Share. Our goal is to reach 500 items by the end of Week 9. We encourage all students to continue bringing non-perishable food items to support this cause.

St. Joseph’s Award: Compassion

The St. Joseph’s Award focus for weeks 7, 8, and 9 is showing COMPASSION. St. Joseph demonstrated compassion in all aspects of his life, marked by quiet, humble service to his family. Compassion is often expressed through simple, everyday acts of kindness. Like St. Joseph, we can help others in small but meaningful ways—offering support, sharing resources, or providing comfort.

Please encourage your child to embody this St. Joseph quality in their daily lives at home.

Father Junjun’s Visits

This semester, we welcome Father Junjun into the classrooms to spend time with the students. They will have the opportunity to ask him questions, and we are sure Father will share interesting stories about his life in the Philippines and his experiences as a priest in Australia.


This week Father Junjun visited our Year 6 students.  

Weekday Mass

Next Wednesday our Year 2 students will be attending Mass on Wednesday 28th August at  9.30am.  All parents, guardians and families are always welcome. 

Reconciliation Program

There will be no Mass for Reconciliation students next Friday 30th August at St. Joseph’s Church due to a funeral. We encourage all students participating in this program to bring their booklets for classroom teachers to check their progress.