
Please make sure you have downloaded the Xuno family app to keep up to date with important information. All permission slips will be generated in Xuno and there will be no paper forms moving forward.

We believe push notifications are now working for families so please check that your settings have these turned on. 



We understand there are several apps currently used by the school, however, this move will streamline our communication and organisation for our school community. Please see below for summary:


Qkr! - Will remain for events run by the Parents & Friends Committee (P&F) and some Junior School Council (JSC) activities. There is continued confusion about what this app is. It is for P & F and JSC event days only. No school fees or excursions are to be paid through this app.


Class Dojo – will continue.


Parent Teacher Interviews – now through Xuno


Emails – active and will continue to be checked regularly. Family statements are sent from this email.


Reports – through Xuno unless a hard copy is requested


There is much more available with Xuno and as our staff learn more about it, we hope it can provide a single all-in-one framework for our school. Please see the below documents for more information on Xuno.


Parent information about XUNO 

Here are a few resources regarding use of XUNO for parents via the app or Web portal: 


There is an issue with the Xuno App notifications, their IT team is working on it and should be active from next week. We will send a test message when this is fixed.