Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Important Notices for Next Week

  1. Wednesday - Playgroup 9-10:30.     
  2. Wednesday - Advent Giving Mass: 10am-10:45 (All Welcome)   
  3. Wednesday - Mini Fete: 11:30-1:00 (All Welcome)
  4. Thursday - Twilight Sport 2:30-4:30
  5. Thursday - Performing Arts Showcase 9am-10am (All Welcome)
  6. Friday - 1st Dec School Closure - NO STUDENTS

Prayer: A Prayer for our children

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the gift of our precious children. 

We are so grateful to watch them grow and develop. 

We praise you, Lord, because our children are wonderfully made. 

We ask that you would help our little children reach their milestones, to learn, and to grow in line with how you have made them.

Give us wisdom as we care for our children each day, help us to pass along faith to them, and open our childrens ears to hear your truth. Protect them each day as they play, makes friends, and learn the world around them. 

Set our children on the path you have for them, and help them to love you and follow you each day. 

We pray that our children will enjoy learning about you.

We put our dear children into your hands, Lord, trusting you completely with who they are and their days ahead.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Dear Families and Friends,

There is definitely a little excitement in the air at Trinity as we begin thinking about the joyous Christmas season ahead. One look at our calendar for these last few weeks and you can easily see all the things we need to get through before we can close the door on the 2023 school year. Next Wednesday at 10am we invite all families to join us for our Advent Giving Mass. Thank you all for the generous donations families have been making to this wonderful cause. We would love to see as many families as possible joining us to celebrate. Following the Mass our amazing school leaders, supported by Ms Antonella and our teachers, will be hosting the Trinity Mini Fete. This event is always a favourite for our children and of course parents and friends are also welcome to attend. 


From the P&F

Christmas Raffle

Hi everyone, it's that festive time of year again!! If you're new to our school this year, welcome to our much anticipated Christmas Raffle. Shortly raffle books will be coming home with your child. If you would like your child/ren to be in to win, pop your child's name on each ticket and send some money into the office. More tickets can be purchased at the office. 

This year Parent and Friends have kick started the prize pool thanks to Sophie's shopping efforts so we can't wait to fill the hampers this year. Please pop your donations into the office. We really appreciate your support.

100 Years of Trinity

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and support surrounding next year's big celebration. We still have a few spaces to fill on the committee listed below, so don't be shy and get in touch with me!! Jenny 0455023227 or

Lead Organiser assistant -

Activity Liaison for the day - 

Sausage Sizzle Coordinator - 

Sausage Sizzle 2IC* - 

Bluey mascot* - (we need at least 2 more people for this position) 

Many thanks,

Jenny Gill

Parent and Friends President 


School Closure Day

Next Friday all our staff will be participating in a planning day for 2024. I appreciate your support in enabling us to have this day and understand that this can cause some difficulties for families having children at home. There are many important things teachers need to have in place before the end of the year to ensure a smooth start next year. On this day we will also welcome some new staff who will be joining us next year and it is a great opportunity for them to learn a little bit more about Trinity and our children. 


Prep 2024

As announced last week, we will have two prep classes next year with Ms Anna and Ms Kate sharing a class and Ms Shari, a new teacher joining us to lead the other class. Much work has already been done for our new preps and their families during our four transition mornings and we are extremely excited about welcoming our new families next year. 

Some of these families have already made enquiries about second hand uniforms so if any families have any uniform donations these can be dropped off at the office. 


Parents & Friends

A major function of our P&F is in fundraising for our school. With some of the funds collected this year we plan to do some maintenance work in the adventure playground, topping up the tanbark and sand in the sand pit as well as providing a cover to keep the sand pit clean overnight and during holidays. Ms Foley was also able to buy some amazing resources for our Science and STEAM programs which have certainly provided much engagement for our children. We are now also exploring the possibility of purchasing some incredible 'Cubby Houses' which will create some excellent creative play opportunities in the playground especially for our younger students. I have included below a short video of some of the ideas that might be possible. 

Child Safety: Dan Petro

Next Monday the staff at Trinity are extremey fortunate to be working with Dan Petro. 

Dan Petro is a Behaviour Analyst and director of Behavioural Resources Australia Pty Ltd. Dan’s work in over 200 Australian schools and organisations has shown him to be an engaging and popular presenter. His academic background includes degrees in both behavioural science and counselling psychology, and Dan’s professional work uses content from materials he developed at universities in California. 

Dan has trained hundreds of teachers of both typical children and children with additional needs.  He will be supporting us to further develop the skills of our staff in provding a safe and positive learning environment for all our children. 


Christmas Concert St Patrick's Cathedral

Community Calendar HERE - Keep up with our important dates!


Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues
