Church News 

Kylie Koelman 


Everyone is welcome to join us on Sunday morning for worship. Worship times are 8.30am for a Traditional Service and 10.00am for a more Contemporary service with Godly Play on offer for Primary School aged children. Tea and Coffee and a time of gathering is held most weeks after both worship services. For the first Sunday of the month, there is one combined service, with a blended style of worship. 


Playgroup @St Paul is on each Tuesday during Term time in the Hall.  We welcome people anytime from 8.30 onwards to help set up. Join us for a coffee, playtime, story time and songs from 9-10.30 each week during school terms. Cost is $2 per family.  We offer a simple craft, a sensory activity and read a book related to a different theme each week.


Playgroup was a busy and buzzing place to be this week.  We made paper cup dogs and spotty dogs at the craft table and then made mud pies with cake mix in the sensory play space.  Today’s book was the childhood favourite ‘Spot’s First Walk’ by Eric Hill.

Next week we will be looking at diggers and dinosaurs (best combination ever!) in the book ‘Digger Dog’ by William Bee.

For more information about anything playgroup related contact Kylie Koelman in the Church Office on 8262 4690 or email at





St Paul Youth is run on the first and third Fridays of the month during school terms and is open to students in School years 6-8.  The next date for SPY is this Friday 17th November. Cost is $2 per family.  Please contact either Renate or Tom if you need more information, the Church office on 8262 4690 or email


This resource is developed by the Lutheran Church of Australia and is intended to be a guide in sharing faith activities with members of your family.

Here are a few ways you could introduce faith discussions in your home and day-to-day life.


This week the Bible reading is about using the talents and gifts that God has given to each of us. 

What are your talents and how are you using them to serve God and others? God promises to bless abundantly those people who use their gifts to serve and care for the people around them.

Encourage one another and build each other up.  (1 Thessalonians 5:11a) as you use your talents for God and others.


Mealtime Prayer: For food and drink and happy days we offer up our thanks and praise. Amen.


Prayer: Lord God, teach us to wisely use all the time we have, help us to be faithful servants who make the most of your gifts. Amen.


Blessing: (Child’s Name) Child of light, may God bless you with faith, hope and love, this day and always. Amen.


SPIN CAMP is a Christian Camp Organised by the Lutheran Church of South Australia – Blueprint Ministries, for Primary school aged children who are in Year 4 – 6 in 2023.  The camp for 2024 will be held at Camp Kedron, Barmera from 9-12 January. Cost is $200 per camper, with $30 bus transport from Adelaide. 

Thanks to the generous support of the LLL, we are able to offer participants the opportunity to attend their first camp for just $50! Please contact for more information. For more details and registration, contact



Did you know that each Christmas, Lutheran Care packs hundreds of hampers with pantry items and Christmas goodies, donated toys, books and treats?  These hampers are then given to families who are doing it tough at the moment.

They are currently looking for donations of Chocolates, Nuts, Crackers, Chips/Pretzels, Lollies and Mince Pies to pack into hampers.

It would be appreciated if all donations could be made to Lutheran Care prior to 5th December to allow time for packaging and distribution.

Donations are collected through the church office or can be donated directly to Lutheran Care, 309 Prospect Road.


Looking for something different to give as a gift this Christmas?  Have a look at Gifts of Grace at

With your Gifts of Grace donation you can make education accessible for a child living with a disability in Somalia, you support farmers in Indonesia and you help women in Nepal start businesses so they can support their families.

You will receive a Grace Card and envelope to write a personal message to the person you are giving the gift to and this year, the Grace cards are seeded with flower seeds. When planted, it will blossom into a beautiful reminder of your Gifts of Grace gift.

Check out the wide range of gifts available, starting from as little as $5.