General News

Book Fair

A very big thank you to the St Paul community for supporting our Book Fair last week. The Fair was very successful raising over $2000 in commission which enables us to purchase lots of great books for our school and classroom libraries. All items for reorder have been submitted and as soon as they arrive they will be delivered to children. 

Premier’s Reading Challenge 2023

This week in the library we have been celebrating completing the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2023. During our library time we have been having a small awards ceremony where the children receive their certificates and medals followed by our annual ‘Popcorn Party’. A special congratulations to those children who have completed the PRC 20th Anniversary 20 Book Challenge; they have received a special certificate acknowledging their achievement. Completing the challenge is a great achievement and it’s wonderful seeing how excited the children are to receive their awards. 


The St Paul Lutheran annual magazine is selling quick. Limited numbers are available and are selling fast. The school magazine is an excellent keepsake to remember your child’s year at St Paul Lutheran.  The magazine is available to purchase for $35 on Qkr! or via the front office and will arrive before the end of term.

St Paul Lutheran School App

The St Paul Lutheran SA app has all the contact information you need as a parent of St Paul. This app is different to the QKR! and Seesaw apps. This is what you will use to access the St Paul parent portal.  You can contact the school office to obtain your login and password.

Term Dates

Term 4:  16 October - 13 December


God’s Word | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

Acceptance | Romans 15:7 

Excellence | 1 Corinthians 10:31 

Respect  | Luke 6:31 

Compassion | 1 John 3:18 

Hope | Titus 3:7 

Community | 2 Corinthians 13:13 

Love | 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a