Principal's Report

Dear EHPS Community,

Farewell to 2023

At the end of another extraordinary year, I would like to sincerely thank every member of our community for working with the staff to attain the best possible results for our children. 

This has been a very busy and exciting year with so many occasions to joining together as a whole community, e.g. Grandparents & Special Friends Day, Dance Concert, Mother’s and Father’s Day Treats and Stalls, Indonesian Day, Book Week, Showcase, Carnival, Pink Stumps Day and our Art Exhibition. When you also add the comprehensive learning program, supported by targeted incursions, excursions, and camps, you can see why the children have had a very productive and marvellous year at school. 


I would like to thank our School Councillors, led by Jennifer Bittner, who contribute to the governance of the school and its strategic direction. Thanks must also go to the Parents & Friends Club, led by Betty Ciorciari and Sam Watson and the dedicated PFC Committee, for continuing to build the school spirit and our sense of community. This was so evident at this year’s Carnival and the extraordinary work of the Carnival Committee.


And finally, I would like to thank our hardworking staff (Teachers, Admin, PSD staff, OSHC staff and Instrumental Music staff) who have dedicated their time to develop and support programs and processes to ensure that every child had the opportunities to maximise their learning. Their professionalism and the high level of care shown to all students was highly valued and acknowledged by our community.

Volunteers & Helpers Thank You Morning Tea

Last Wednesday it was our pleasure to host morning tea in the Library to say thank you to all those who have volunteered at school throughout the year. We can't do it without you, and your help is greatly appreciated.

Year 6 Graduation

Over the last week, our Year 6 students celebrated the end of their primary education at Essex Heights. Thursday was a unique and truly marvellous day. Once again this year, the Graduation Committee organised a truly memorable day for the Class of 2023. The luncheon and the setup of the Hall was spectacular, and the evening ceremony and celebration was touching and inspiring. Our Year 6 students were once again the highlight of the show. As they leave Essex Heights for the last time today, we wish them every success in the future and implore them to always have EHPS close to their hearts. Finally, a huge thank you to the staff and all the parents who helped to make this week so special for the Graduating Class of 2023.

Semester 2 Reports

We notified you last week that your child’s Semester 2 report has been published and is accessible on Compass. We hope you enjoy reading all that your child has achieved this year. It is timely to remind families to ensure that you copy your child’s report to an external source so that you have access to it after you leave EHPS; this is especially important for those leaving EHPS this year, as access to the Compass portal closes today when we roll over to the new school year).

Student Leaders in 2024

Today at the final Assembly the new student leaders for next year were presented to the school community. We are so pleased to have such a talented group of young people to fill these important roles. A badge presentation ceremony will be held in the first weeks of Term 1. Please refer to the Student Leaders in 2024 page in this newsletter for more information. 

Code Camp comes to Essex Heights

We are excited to announce that we are introducing a Coding program for Years 2 to 6 students at lunchtime on Tuesdays. The program wil be facilitated by Code Camp. 

Refer to the Extra Curricular Activities page in this newsletter for more details and a registration link (register by 10 January for an early bird discount). 

Leaving EHPS 

If your family circumstances change over the Summer school holiday period and your child will not be returning to EHPS in 2024, it is essential that you advise me in writing as soon as possible using the school email address – – with the following details: 

  • Child's name and 2023 class
  • Date of last day at EHPS (the last day of the 2023 school year is Wednesday 20 December)
  • Name of the school your child is enrolled at 
  • Commencement date at new school (Term 1 2024 commences on Monday 29 January)
  • The reason for leaving EHPS  
  • New contact details, e.g. address, phone number, email

Student absence at the start of 2024

If your child will be absent at the beginning of Term 1 in 2024, please ensure that you enter the appropriate attendance note on Compass for the day/days that they are absent. Please also email their teacher (via the link on Compass, or school email if needed) to advise your child’s absence at the start of the year and the date they will commence.

2024 Staff



(Coordinators in bold)

Principal Team

George Perini

Ina Kuehlich

Elisha Cotterell


Victoria Gilbert

Lauren Davies

Anita Dix & Verity Bright

Amber Hardy

Emily Zajc

Year 1

Shona Misso

Emily Puyk (nee O'Mahony)

Carolyn Wilson & Jemma Graham

Con Papanicolaou

Year 2

Paula Hammond 

Margaret Fitzpatrick

Helen Broderick & Jun Somkiat

Grace John

Year 3 / 4

Kristi Lloyd 

Felicity O'Flynn

Nikki Olsen

Eric Zhang

Rowena Lin

Kelvin Tang

Year 5

Magdalene Lim

Olivia Rose

Meldeen Pratiwi

Year 6

Goretti Cheuk

Alicia Boles

Renée Dare 

Year Level Classroom Support

Andrew Russell

Sasha Lanyon

Jemma Graham

Position to be confirmed                                                

Health & P.E.

Monique Hocking

Cassie Kemp

IndonesianGladys Wangke
MusicGrace Cordell
ArtAubrey Hudson
ArtSELCourtnee Johnson

Simon Liao

Maria Capsalis

Learning Support

Yogi Patel (EAL)

Natalie Zaibak (PSD)

Tutor InitiativeMarita Steward
Literacy SpecialistRenée Dare 
Numeracy SpecialistKelvin Tang
Wellbeing SpecialistCarolyn Wilson
Mental Health SupportNikki Olsen


To all those leaving our school community, all the best to you and your family, and as you start at your new school next year. A list of students leaving EHPS this year is on the Farewell page in this newsletter.




On behalf of all the staff, I would like to wish all families a safe and Merry Christmas, as well as a Happy New Year.  For those families that do not celebrate Christmas, I hope that your families have safe and happy holidays. 


I look forward to seeing you all well rested at the start of 2024.


Kindest regards,

George Perini
