Darwinia House

This year has seen many successes for the students of Darwinia House and it was thoroughly enjoyable for me to witness them all during my first full year as House Leader.
As always, with PE teaching still running in my veins, it was a delight to see many of our students succeed in the sporting arenas this year, with Darwinia students putting in a strong effort at the school sports carnivals, pushing their limits and making the House proud. A particularly noteworthy performer was Lumanyan in Year 11, who dominated the Athletics Day, named as Year Level Champion, scoring more points for Darwinia than some other entire age groups!
The performance of “A Whole New World” from Aladdin at the Annual House Chorales was excellent, especially considering the short amount of rehearsal time for this year’s event. I was delighted with the growth shown by our performers and congratulate them all on my favourite performance of the night. A special mention to Latoya of Year 12, who took on the conducting duties and to Joe and Tyrone for providing the music for our choristers to sing along to.
Our student leaders met regularly to discuss how to make Darwinia, the school and the world a better place, with plenty of suggestions to follow-up. Thank you to Irtika and Tiba for their work this year, leading Darwinia House and helping the staff with organising and inspiring our students. Our SRC leaders also need acknowledgement for representing their year levels. Thank you to Elaha, Arifa, Ira, Talei, Zainab and Zahra for volunteering your time.
Student learning is always our focus and a big thank you goes out to all the staff members that taught in Darwinia this year. Our students are grateful for your hard work and dedication and we are seeing the pay-off, with students focussed and learning in their classes. Of course, staff are learners too and possibly my greatest highlight this year was winning the Staff Trivia Night, proving that Darwinia has the smartest students and staff at the school.
Finally, as we farewell our Class of 2023, I would like to wish our Year 12s all the best for their future, whatever that may look like. It was a pleasure meeting with them this year, working towards success and planning their future pathways together. All the best and never forget us in Darwinia.
Enjoy a well-earned Summer Break!
Mr Greaves
Darwinia House Leader
Meet the 2023 Darwinia House Leadership Team!