In the Spotlight

THS Staff & Student Achievements

Multi Categorical Students

In a recent newsletter published by the Tenterfield Railway Station Museum, they praised the involvement of our MC students. Students have been assisting the volunteers with any job, big or small that needs doing.


Hello everyone. 

In the last newsletter, I mentioned the students from Tenterfield High School joining us. The Multi Class consists of students from 15 to 17 years of age. Their involvement with the Museum is part of an independent living and working skills program within the school. Fundraising and community involvement experience will culminate in setting up their own money-making business. Accompanied by their teachers, Zoe and Lachlan, the students break off into two groups. One group is busy stripping paint in the next section of the Dogbox. The other group is restoring an old trike which was built many years ago by our members and has been sitting in the Old Trike Shed. Also, the shed is getting a much needed clean out. At the end of their involvement, the students will be acknowledged with the part they have played in our museum.

Bullying No Way Day

Students were encouraged to wear Orange on Friday 18 August to show support for the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. The theme for 2023 is growing connections. What has growing connections got to do with bullying? 


"When someone has connections to people and places, they feel safe, happy and supported. The more connections they have, the better they are at coping with challenging situations in their life. Being connected and having people to talk to, or to ask for help, are great ways to prevent bullying." 


In resilience lessons throughout the week students were asked to complete a variety of connections activities. In one of the activities the students designed their own people to form a circle of connections.  

Year 6 Transition 

On Tuesday 22 August Year 6 students attended THS for transition day. Students were split into their groups & spent the morning in Art with Mr Caisley, Cooking with Mrs Cooper & Science with Mr Armstrong. Thank you to Year 6 & their support teachers, THS staff & students who assisted in activities & Mrs Koch for coordinating the transition program. We hope the students enjoyed their day at THS & we look forward to seeing you again on 5 September.

Year 6 Parent Information Night

An information session was held in the library for Year 6 families on 9 August. Principal Ms Stephanie Scott discussed topics & questions families were most interested in & played a short video from the 2024 Year 7 advisor, Mr Craig Cook as he was unable to attend. Following the presentation, parents were invited on a school tour with the assistance of some SRC students & supper was provided for families to meet our Head Teachers & ask additional questions not addressed in the presentation. Thank you to everyone for attending, we hope you found the information valuable.

The Sir Henry Parkes Memorial Public School

Should teachers do all sport and exercise lessons with students? That was the topic debated by our two school teams today. There were some great arguments from both sides including the health benefits and the risk of injury. Sanuki, Pippa, Resandi and Alex were declared the winners. Thanks to Ms Scott from THS for adjudicating.





Tenterfield Library Opening

Opening of the refurbished Tenterfield Library. Congratulations to Brooke Everett and Claire Halpin for performing a poem at this opening. Both girls performed extremely well.