Brisbane Ekka

7-9 August 2023

Tenterfield Show Team - EKKA

24 students and 12 head of cattle participated in the 2023 Queensland Royal Show - EKKA at the Brisbane Showgrounds. All students judged, presented and led cattle in the junior judging and parading competitions.  


Xavier Cusack, Chloe Thomas and Lucy McCowen represented THS in the interschool team judging competition. In the junior led steer and heifer competition, a Limousin heifer bred by the Fletcher Family gained 2nd place on the hoof, and then gained 3rd place on the hook. In the open competition, competing against primary producers from across QLD and NSW, a heavy weight steer bred by Jennifer Smith gained 3rd place on the hook. 


These are exceptional results for a small regional school to gain at a prestigious Royal Show. All students presented themselves beautifully and worked hard together to look after and prepare the cattle for competition - even with the 4 and 5 am starts! A massive thankyou to Mr Jones, Ms Parker, Hughie, Ms Scott, Kylie Heidrich and Elizabeth Bulmer for supporting the students and making this experience possible for our students at THS.