Wear It Purple Day

Julia Mikhailova, Student Voice Leader

During week 5, our amazing Student Voice and Rainbow Hive teams organised and hosted a Wear It Purple Day. Wear It Purple Day, on 25 August, is an LGBTQIA+ awareness day dedicated to diversity and inclusion, supporting young people from the LGBTQA+ community, and is celebrated all over Australia. 


To start this beautiful day, our Student Voice and Rainbow Hive teams put up lots of purple balloons at the main gates to remind people of the Wear It Purple Day and elevate our students’ mood on this lovely Friday morning. Friday was also a casual day, which allowed students and teachers to express themselves and their support for diversity and the LGBTQA+ community by wearing purple clothes. 


During lunchtime, the Student Voice and Rainbow Hive members set up many activities in the Middle School courtyard. There was a face paint table, temporary rainbow tattoos, a wall of positive affirmations around the theme of allyship, and we also gave out LGBTQA+ pins and wristbands. These events were a great success and there was a fabulous turn out of staff and students! We had a lot of interest at the face painting table and a lot of people wore the LGBTQA+ pins and wristbands we gave out. There was music playing and students also enjoyed playing the garden games. There was such a wonderful atmosphere at this event, and it was fantastic to see our school community coming together for such an important awareness raising.


If you would like to be involved in any Student Voice or Rainbow Hive events, please email Ms Hannaford at: Jules.Hannaford819@schools.sa.edu.au