Lisa Davis, Teacher

AFL Max Overnight Experience


From 6-7 August 30 year 9 and 10 students were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to participate in an overnight experience at AFL Max.


Students were selected as a result of their good application in Sports Studies and/or Physical Education and their desire to further their sports performance.


The program involved four 60 minute sessions focusing on strategies used by elite athletes in order to improve their own sports performance and well being. 


            Session 1: Goal Setting – Individual and team goal setting

            Session 2: Test – Fitness Testing

            Session 3: Mindset – Growth Mindset Training

            Session 4: Dealing with Pressure – Strategies used by elite sports people


During their stay students also had the opportunity to access the AFL Max zones, including rock climbing, interactive gaming screens, football development zone and trampolines. 


Well done to all the students on their participation and engagement during the experience.