School information


Can all parents/carers please check names on all school uniform items.  We have had a number of reports stating labelled items have been misplaced.  If you have NOT labelled your children's uniform, can you please do so.  Our lost property box is overflowing with unnamed brand new uniform items.


Thank you   

St Mary's School Fete 

Festival of the Sacred

Greatest Shave 

As a school community let’s all get together and support this wonderful initiative and the learners who are leading the way! 


To donate please use the link below.



NCCD CECV Requirements: 


St Mary’s Communication


St Mary’s recognises that effective communication is crucial to successful

partnerships with our families. We are committed to having constant and regular

communication and an openness to share both our successes and challenges. We encourage our families to also stay in constant communication with their child’s teachers sharing what is going well and what might be improved.


In all first instances families are to go to their child’s classroom teacher. Your child’s classroom teacher interacts with your child daily, observes their social and emotional wellbeing and will be informed of any concerns or incidents that may have occurred during the school day. St Mary’s has a multitude of communication platforms which serve to keep our community well informed.


Modes of Communication


1:1 Meetings

  • Parents are welcome & encouraged to contact the school office or teacher to arrange mutually suitable times for meetings.
  • All meetings with families will be held in meeting rooms and sign in at the front office is required.
  • In prearranged circumstances and with the consent of staff and families, meetings may be held online.
  • Face to face meetings are preferred to discuss any concerns, issues & changes to an individual’s information.
  • Minutes of meetings will be taken and provided to all parties in attendance. 


  • Parents are welcome to email teachers for minor communication and operational content.
  • All teachers will provide their school email addresses at regular times throughout the year.
  • Emails are checked and responded to within 48 hours, Monday - Friday.
  • St Mary’s staff will actively use emails between the hours of 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday during the school terms.
  • Emails with inappropriate and defamatory content may not reach our staff inboxes due to filters and may not receive a response.

Parent Code of Conduct

  • All parents on enrolment at St Mary’s are expected to commit, adhere and sign St Mary’s Parent Code of Conduct 
  • Please familiarise yourselves with our Code of Conduct regularly


Please contact Schools OUT if you are needing before or after School care.




St Mary’s current and only uniform supplier is Hip Pocket Echuca! 


173 Pakenham St, Echuca VIC 3564

(03) 5480 1027



Bus Travel

At St Mary’s we want our learners to feel and be safe as they travel to and from school by bus. The expectations of bus travelers according to the Victorian and NSW Transport Authority, Code of Conduct includes: 

  • Seating facing the front and stay in your seat
  • Wear seatbelt at all times (if on your bus)
  • Talk at an appropriate volume, using appropriate language.
  • Use manners to treat each other with respect and kindness.
  • Respect other people and their property.
  • Respect the bus and bus driver and follow their instructions
  • Take responsibility for their own behaviour and conduct themselves in a respectful and safe manner whilst on the bus
  • Help others who need assistance
  • No food to be eaten
  • When arriving at school and waiting to get on the bus - stay on the path


Please click on the link to find the Bus Travel Code of Conduct NSW to keep informed of behaviour protocols and processes.

To contact bus companies to report or discuss concerns phone numbers are:

  • Dysons - 03 54 802 139
  • Newtons - 03 54 841 129
  • Jacobson’s 03 58 203 700