Library News

Welcome to the College Library!


Book Week has gone off with a bang! From costumes to competitions and Book Fair, CBCA Book Week was a week of fun this year. We would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in our recent Book Week and Book Fair events. The support we received from our staff, students, and parents was truly overwhelming, and we couldn't be more thankful for your enthusiasm and participation. It was fantastic seeing students getting excited about the week of festivities and we hope that this year's events have inspired you to continue exploring and discovering new books. By hosting the Scholastic Book Fair, our college library has collected valuable rewards to spend on new library resources for our students. 



As we are nearing the end of Term 3, the college library needs to collect and return any overdue resources. If you have any books borrowed, please pay a visit to the library and return any overdue items, or renew your items before the holidays. Returning your resources is incredibly important because it ensures that overdue items are accounted for. 



In addition to the Book Week Book Fair, the library team ran a small competition called ‘Guess the book.’ This competition included a shoebox of four items which were associated with a popular picture book. Individuals had to guess the name of the book. This competition was popular among everyone, and staff, students and even parents were able to fill in a guess and place it in the jar. Let's see if you guessed correctly. The items were Maracas, Talent Show Sign, Sombrero Hat, Alpaca. The book was Alpacas with Maracas.


Congratulations to the WINNER: Kade Bramley 3/4 C 





The MS Readathon took place throughout August this year. The Readathon challenges children to read as much as they can over the month and raise funds for kids who have a parent living with multiple sclerosis. The library provided students with book tally sheets to record the number of books read. Many students were involved for the cause this year, it was fantastic to see students excited about reading more and expanding their knowledge. The student with the most sheets filled out was Kierra Davidson.


Congratulations to the WINNER: Kierra Davidson 5/6 F




Many thanks, The Library Team: Jen, Karen, Meg.