P-2 Concert- Aim High  

Concert time! 

Susan Meeking

The AIM HIGH P-2 School Concert was a resounding success for all of our young students involved. We are sure all of the families will be so proud of our littlest students who ‘trod the boards’ like mini professionals confidently remembering their moves and lines and doing their very best as part of a team.


As performing arts teachers we feel responsible to give the students this concert opportunity where they demonstrate the varied arts curriculum and to ensure the students have the chance to test their strengths and to shine! We were delighted to see the students bring their developing life-skills and positive values to play as they met the concert challenge this past term.


We thank every audience member and staff member for their support; getting clothing items to make sure our team looked polished, enabling themselves and their children at the concert nights, helping learn songs. It takes many people to bring such a show to the stage.


We give a super huge thank you to those who volunteered to help months ago (Erin, Laura, Abby, Jaymee) and stuck by the project to help it become the ‘AIM HIGH’ concert. A gigantic thank you to those who came on board for concert week under the backstage leadership of Claudia Moore. Thank you to Ali and the make- up Team. We want to acknowledge that in our great school, we have staff who gave up their time to ensure their students had the best concert experience we could offer.





Thank you to all our volunteers:


Andrew Moore Sound and Lighting, Erin Richardson, Patti Harrison, Nadine Freemantle, Hayden Freemantle, Evie Clancy, Linda Clancy, Ali Farrell, Janelle Church, Ellarose Church, Shanaye Basten, Reet Avasthi, Navi Ratawaki, Laura Thomson, Jaymee Adamo, Ky Hire, Rose Dolcetta, Kirsty Thomson, Angela Hamano, Belinda Goff, Christine Anderson, Ray Muller, Lisa Ratcliffe and the Plaza Volunteers, Prudence Ratcliffe, Kaitlin Archard, Melissa Northausen, Sarah Mitchell, Sally Canny, Jess Greely, Delia Phommathet, Holly Swetman, Gabby Cook, Lana Marsh, Kylee Alford, Will Mitchell, Ky Hire, Abby Pay, Darryl Hangan.


Thank you to all School Staff team

Ali Farrell, Kim Morrison, Claudia Moore, Kellie Brennan, Doreen Smider and P-2 Staff, Kelly Hines, Linda Clancy and the Office Team, Jemma Hall, Caitlyn King, Lauren Parker and the OSHC team and our leadership team.