Principal's News 

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

Dear Families,

Thank you to the students, teachers and families who helped us celebrate Science Week.

 Our Festival of learning was a huge success and it was fantastic to see so many families visiting all the classrooms and other rooms to participate in so many Science activities.


Year 6 T Ball

Congratulations to our Yr 6 T Ball team. They were runners up on Monday in the Southern Metro competition.



Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Father Ignatius. This week Father Ignatius celebrated his first anniversary of his Ordination and an '0' birthday.  


This is a reminder that 2023 is the last year of the coloured polo tops for sport and the red long and short sleeve red polo tops. The new sports tops and the new navy blue long and short sleeve tops must be wore from the beginning of the 2024 school year.

A friendly reminder that any student that has hair shoulder length must be tided up. Please make sure that students are wearing the correct socks, shoes, long pants depending on days they have PE/ class sport and days when there is no sport.

Students who do not wear the correct school tops will be asked to remove them while at school.


Canteen News

We have been notified by the current canteen operators that they will cease trading at the end of this term. I am in discussion with Lisa Goodes about other ideas to make lunches available on a Friday for term 4. I will keep you updated.


Working Bee - Sat 2 Sept.

We are having a working bee on Saturday 2 Sept and have a large list of jobs that need to be done as we head into the warmer weather. I invite all families to attend and give any time that can, it is amazing how much even half an hour can help.


Book Week - Parade and Book Fair

We look forward to the Book Parade on Wednesday 23rd August  9.00am. All students are invited to dress as a favourite book character. The venue for the parade will be dependent on the weather but you will be informed as you arrive. 


A Book Fair will be held in the library during Book Week. Please look at Library page in this newsletter. Thank you so much to Mrs Hirst for organising this event.


Father's Day stall and breakfast.

The PFA have organised a Father's Day stall on Wednesday 30 August and Farther's day breakfast on Friday 1 Sept in the hall from 7.30 am. Please check the PFA page in this newsletter.


Upcoming dates

Saturday 19 August - Year 6 Confirmation Commitment Mass

Sunday 20 August - Year 6 Confirmation Commitment Mass

Monday 21 - Friday 25 August - Book Week  - Read, Grow and Inspire. 

A Book Fair will be held in the library.

Tuesday 22 August - Class Mass 5MO/5DI

Wednesday 23 August - Book Week Dress Up Day and Parade

Thursday 24 August - Year 1 Baptism Family Night 5pm

Friday 25 August - Interschool Sports (away)


Enjoy your weekend


Carmel Stutterd
