Well with Alice

Wellbeing ABC 

The L is for... Letting go!


In order to be well, we need to let go of things that are not serving us. Things that just weigh us down.


Here are some examples of things to let go of:


-Unrealistic expectations of self and others

-The past: you can't change it now! Accept how things went then and how they are now and live in the moment!


-Relationships that bring you down rather than lifting you up

-Control: you can't control others, you can't control your situation. You can only control yourself and your responses to things

-Guilt, shame and regret. These feelings will simply haunt you. Ask forgiveness, make things right and move on

-Negativity about yourself, others or situations. Practice gratitude instead!

-Perfection: nothing is perfect


Which one of these things will you be letting go of this spring?


Kind regards,


Ms. Alice Romijn

School Chaplain