School News 


It has been so lovely to see the students bouncing back to school ready for their final term of Prep! 


In Investigations, students have been emersed in play based activities around animal habitats, weather, vets, grocery shopping, craft, banks, construction, tinkering and much more! All these play based activities reflect the learning from the classroom and have provided amazing opportunities for real life application.


In our Wellbeing sessions we have been thinking about all the places we love around our amazing school. The students shared with us their favourite places and gave us their reasons as to why this is their favourite place. Some of their favourites included; the rainbow playground, their classrooms, all the specialist rooms and the canteen.


In Science students have been learning about how to conduct and record a weather observation. They have created symbols to record their observations. Students have also created their own clouds and have been learning about the different types.


We hope you have enjoyed the first two weeks back to school and cross our fingers that the sun shines for weeks 3 & 4!


The Prep Team

Alarna Creed, Elyce Munnecke, Allie Harrison and Sally Newton

Grade 1 & 2

Level 1/2 have had a great start to Term 4. The recent wet weather has kept us inside more than we would like, but we are looking forward to getting outside again next week.


We have enjoyed doing some ‘Friendology’ lessons and revising what we think makes a good friend. We had great discussions about the qualities we are looking for in a friend and how this might be different to others' ideas. The students also learnt how we can be a great friend to others. Students also shared ideas about how it makes us feel when people aren’t being good friends and how we can show resilience when resolving ‘friendship fires.’ This will be an ongoing focus throughout Term 4.

The Grade 1s have been dressing up and role-playing in our "Olden Days School" investigation area.

Have a great weekend!


The Level 1/2 Team

Llinos Poole, Kayla Hartrick, Ashleigh Wilson, Emma Wright, Sam Younes & Daena Hailey 

Grade 3 & 4

Level 3 and 4 have come back ready for action. Whilst we have no idea what to wear from day to day, we have been enjoying the beautiful days that appear every now and then.


This week we have seen our Spotlight Maths students take off on an excursion. They were introduced to the world of programming through a series of challenge-based activities of varying complexity. We were excited to hear all about their learning.


We have started our level Sports program with year nine students from Lilydale High running some fun games each week. After a few hick-ups, students all learnt to play some fun new games. The year nine teachers were very impressed with the manners of our students.


Enjoy a lovely week ahead.


The Level 3/4 Team

Carolyn Allan, Tim Wilson, Hayley Peirce & Sarah Jones

Grade 5 & 6

What a wonderful time we had in term 3. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the parent helpers we have had this year as without you we would not be able to run the incredible events that we do! As always there was a lot happening at the end of term in our classrooms, here is a quick overview for you!



Literature Circles came to an end and we are all so proud of the way in which students have stepped up and engaged with these. We are thrilled to say that we are going to be running them again this term and students will be given new books to delve into! Keep an eye out for which book your child brings home and feel free to question them about what they are reading in class. 


Comic creation was a blast with students and we loved seeing their creative side come out. We are going to let these photos do the talking for us...


Students worked on a Scratch quiz that showcased the knowledge they built over the term's inquiry unit. Students should know their details (the same as DigiTech) and so feel free to ask them to show you what they have created at home! 

Their quizzes showcased their knowledge regarding scientific discovery across history.


After completing our unit on location and coordinates, featuring a game of battleship, we moved onto geometric reasoning. We have been estimating, measuring and drawing angles both with and without the use of a protractor. Students now know the difference between a supplementary and complementary angle and feel confident using a protractor accurately. 

We loved celebrating the end of the AFL season with students at our RHPS Footy Day. Footy lunch was a treat for many and we celebrated as a level with a football themed senior sport session. 

Mr V is now on long service leave and we look forward to having him back a couple of weeks time.


The Level 5/6 Team

Damien Smith, Megan Pepprell, Brendan Van Haaster and Millie Pinney