Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
The year 7/8’s have been up to lots of exciting things this week. Last Monday, 7/8B, 7/8C and 7/8D went to Watergardens for travel training and this past Monday 7/8A and 7/8E went to Highpoint. All students had a great time travel training put their skills to use by reading bus and train timetables to get to and from their destination.
In inquiry the 7/8’s have been participating in hands on activities to explore the different forms of energy. This week students made origami boats and found ways to create wind to move to the boats. Students in 7/8C then built cars using recycled materials and used materials to create different wheels and explore kinetic energy by pushing the cars.
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
In writing, the 9/10 students are creating career action plans. These personal portfolios will go with the students every year until they graduate. The plans will be updated every year and have lots of helpful information.
Students can identify what they like, what they dislike, their favourite subjects and what hobbies they have outside of school. This week, we wrote about our strengths and set three goals for the year.
This week, 9/10 A&B went on a Ferry Ride from Southbank to Williamstown. For many of the students, it was their first Ferry Ride! We were all very excited to go and had a great time. It was great exploring new ways to travel around Melbourne and see places we have never been. Next week, 9/10 C&D will be going on their ferry ride.
Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)
Every Tuesday ASDAN A participate in an independent living skills program at school. The students practice preparing simple snacks and drinks. So far this term we have enjoyed making fairy bread, pancakes, smoothies, quesadillas and nachos. Everyone tries their very best to be independent and brave by trying unfamiliar tasks, tastes and textures.
Work Experience at Equine Management Farm
At the equine farm we put hay into bags and did some weeding. We clean the horse equipment and feed the sheep and chickens. We also help wash the horses.
Secondary Students of the Week