Year 9-10 Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series Games Day

The aim of this program is to challenge high ability students in a fun, challenging, collaborative and competitive mathematics-based games day.


Teams of students compete for a variety of prizes including individual prizes for creativity, contribution to group work, and lucky door prizes. 

On Friday August 18, there was an amazing event at Balwyn High School where we participated in mathematical activities. We interacted and collaborated with other schools to solve problems. Our favourite games included a 12-piece puzzle that we had to fit on a grid, and a money-box game developed by Andrew Lorimer-Derham from Think Square. Although we initially thought the day was purely mathematical, there were many times where we needed to use logical and numerical reasoning. Overall, this was a great experience and we are grateful to be provided with this opportunity. 

Bowen 9E, Sepehr 9A, Ahmad 9F, Enish 9G