Primary SS News

Playground Supervision
Well done to our Primary Team for working on some Norms and Protocols for Playground Supervision. Remember to give me any feedback by this Friday. The link to the document is here.
Please see the roster for this Term's Yard Duty:
Week 2: Room 3
Week 4: Room 4
Week 6: Room 6
Week 8: Room 9
If you need ICT support please request this beforehand. Chairs need to put out and stacked away at the end.
Please turn air con, heating and lights off when finished.
Buddy Classrooms
Room 1- Room 2
Room 4- Room 5- Room 3
Room 6 - Room 7
Room 8 - Room 9
Can help you when you need:
- another staff member for a short time
- you have a staff member from your team away and need help with breaks
- can ask questions, especially for new staff.
Notes are going home today. Please keep track of your notes coming back, and any times parents book via Xuno.
Please take note of the cutrrent general "To Do" list for teachers/ES staff.
•Develop Norms and Protocols for your Classroom Team. If these have been completed, re-read these and ensure understanding. Make a copy. 1 copy to SSL, one on your wall. How will your team communicate, work together? Who will be responsible for Seesaw posts?
•Put your Week 1 Teaching and Learning Program on SharePoint. The Templates are already in the folders for teachers. SharePoint>Work Programs/Team Meetings>2024>Room number
•Create a Maintenance Program. Upload to SharePoint. See SSL examples
•Excursion Planner- due end of Week 5
•Tier 1 checklist
•Create a Visual Timetable and send home this week
•Set up classroom. Organised, tidy and clutter free!
•Be Sunsmart. Hats and suncreen for students and yourself.