School Highlights (cont'd)

Year 7 Character and Connection Day

The Year 7s recently had their Character and Connection Day, where they enjoyed taking part in a range of workshops to build and develop deeper connections with their peers.

The students immersed themselves in fun and engaging activities, including mindfulness sessions, yoga, practical team challenges, self awareness statements, and much more.

It was a fantastic opportunity for the students to foster personal growth and strengthen their bonds with each other.

Year 9 Lift Off Week 

Emma Hedger, Dean of Wellbeing-Year 9 


The Year 9s have well and truly commenced their Impact journey for 2024. 

Throughout the week, as part of Lift Off Week, the Year 9s travelled between various learning ecosystems within the Melbourne CBD, as well as Monash University .

The students had the chance to get immersed in various workshops, visit significant locations and landmarks in the CBD, and start to delve into social issues to assist them with ‘It’s Everyone’s Business’, our social entrepreneurship program co-facilitated by Monash University. 

As the week progressed, students developed their relationships, increased their independence and responsibility, and committed to working towards agreed outcomes, including building our Year 9 culture. Of course, there was plenty of fun and learning along the way! 

Year 10 First Aid and CPR Training 

Shauna Kiernan, Humanities Teacher

Recently, 17 Year 10s participated in the 'Young Hearts Basic First Aid and CPR' training session conducted by Hero HQ. 


This nationally accredited training course is a valuable component of their 'Skills for Life' Year 10 elective.

The training involved a six-hour session that took place during normal school hours. On completion, each student received a nationally accredited certificate of 'Basic First Aid and CPR' training (HLTAID011).


The students really enjoyed the training and found it very beneficial!