School Highlights

Junior School Leaders Induction

Congratulations to our newly inducted Junior School Captains and Vice Captains of 2024! 

This week marked their official inclusion into the Year 6 Leadership Group. We wish them a successful year ahead as our school leaders!  


The Kilvington Gardening Club

Francis McGinley, Sustainability Officer (Junior School) 


The Junior School vegetable garden has been thriving this term.We have an abundance of vibrant vegetables growing steadily in our garden, from capsicums and beetroots to parsley and zucchini!

Recently, the 2024 Kilvington Gardening Club members proudly celebrated their first harvest of the year. With a sense of pride and accomplishment, our young gardeners embarked on the harvesting process - carefully picking, cleaning, and gathering the fruits of last term's labor. 

Amid the bustling activity, they reaped a cornucopia of fresh produce, from juicy tomatoes to crisp carrots.

As the new season unfolds, our dedicated gardeners eagerly anticipate a time of pollination, continued growth, and the promise of delicious meals made from their homegrown produce. 


From the garden bed to the table, the Kilvington gardeners are keen to immerse themselves in the joy of cultivation. Stay tuned for exciting updates as our Kilvington garden continues to flourish!

Making sandwiches for World Kindness Day 

Jacqui Goldenberg, Community Service Program Director 

Recently, our students from Year 5 and above teamed up during their lunch break to celebrate World Kindness Day by assisting Eat Up Australia in making 2,150 delicious sandwiches for hungry school kids across Australia. What a mammoth effort!

Watch the vid of them getting into action here!