Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 3, Term 1


Welcome back to 2024. We are excited to have launched the new STEM specialist subject. STEM teachers for this year will be Nathan Percy, Jenny Barr and Emma Broadhurst. Classes will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  

In conjunction with the classroom teachers, we will be exploring the Big Idea of ‘Community’ through various STEM activities. So far, we have explored the importance of teamwork by working together to create a marble run; and learning our classroom agreements to ensure a safe learning environment. This week our focus is on the importance of good communication when working in a group or team. Students will be deciphering a mystery message and creating their own cipher to compose a code for their partner to decode.  

PLEASE HELP! We need newspapers for a future challenge. If you have any at home could you please send them to school with your child to give to Mr Percy in his BER office.


Performing Arts

🎵 Prep

Students will explore the concept of keeping the beat (the underlying pulse in music) by clapping, tapping, or moving to the rhythm. To help students feel prepared for their first assembly in the coming weeks, we will practise the national anthem and happy birthday song. 


🎤 Grade 1 and 2

Students are delving into the world of rhythm and beat. They are learning to recognise and maintain a steady beat while exploring rhythmic patterns such as 'ti-ti taa'. Students will also continue to learn the words to 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' in Woiwurrung (the language of the Wurundjeri people). 


🎶 Grade 3 and 4

Students are continuing to build their classroom team and collaborative skills. They will create freeze frames and sculptures, which will come to life, as they respond to an idea or theme. 


🎭 Grade 5 and 6

Students are exploring physical theatre techniques, where they will use their bodies, gestures and movement to craft and communicate ideas. They will focus on how they can work as an effective team, by making and accepting offers, to create original work.  

Visual Arts


*Term 1 Learning Snapshot*

Students are completing their self portrait, cutting and pasting their drawing onto their rainbow stripe background from last week, as well as adding rainbow squares to the border.

*Please look out for this first piece of work that will be sent home later in the week.


Grade 1 and 2

*Term 1 Learning Snapshot*

Students are creating a 3D fish from painted paper, stuffing it with newspaper and adding fins and eyes. They will focus on accurate tracing, and careful stapling technique. 

Look out for a photo of your child's work on their grade's Showbie page later in the week.


Grade 3 and 4

*Term 1 Learning Snapshot*

Students are beginning a watercolour artwork focussing on the silo art featured around Australia. This week they will be drafting their image and practising watercolour painting technique.

Look out for a photo of your child's work on their grade's Showbie page later in the week.


Grade 5

Students are continuing with their 'Superhero Self' portrait, adding colour and pattern detail to their traced face from last week.


Grade 6

Students are continuing with their name sculpture, finishing the coloured details of their interests and passions on the letters of their name, before constructing their tower.