Level 5 & 6 Wonga Weekly

Week 3, Term 1


Thanks again to all families and students for committing to such a great start to the school year. It's be a pleasure to hit the ground running, with classes spending valuable time building positive classroom culture and setting routines for the future. 





This week in reading, students will continue to work in their classroom grades, exploring a variety of text types. We will focus on bringing together a range of comprehension strategies to assist in deepening their understanding and the quality of their responses. 


In writing this week, students will be unpacking the components of a great story, analysing a variety of narratives written by other authors and applying what they learn to their own work. Short, sharp sessions dedicated to writing conventions will continue, to assist with spelling, punctuation and sentence organisation. 


What you can do at home

Help your child to set aside time to read - preferably every night. This will help them build important learning habits. You may also want to discuss what they are reading with them.


Discuss your child's writing learning goals and set aside some time to work on those goals.



This week, a large focus will be placed on learning dispositions and mindset towards mathematics. Students will be tackling a variety of challenges, exploring and revising mathematical language and completing multi-step problems, whilst challenged to use a growth mindset. 


What you can do at home

Discuss the importance of slowing down to understand the problem at hand. It may be the language that gives clues about how to solve the problem or it could be a multi-step problem. This will assist in your child understanding which formula to use to work out the problem.



🌱 Friday 16th of February - Young Leader's Day (Grade 6)

🌱 Friday 16th of February - No Interschool Sport 



🌱 Thanks to the many families that have already brought in tissues and wipes. If you have not been able to already, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. 

🌱 Students are now encouraged to bring their iPads fully charged each day.