Level 1 & 2 Wonga Weekly

Week 3, Term 1


What a wonderful start to the school year we have had in Grade 1 & 2! 

Students are really getting into the swing of our daily routines now. 

This week, we will continue establishing positive classroom learning communities.





This week in Reading we will be exploring the 'visualisation' strategy. We will be looking closely at the vocabulary in our mentor texts, particularly the nouns and adjectives that help us to imagine what the author is describing.


In Writing we will begin 'planning' and 'drafting' descriptions about summer. We will be inspired by the vocabulary used in our mentor texts, looking at the way the author chooses interesting words about summer to help us feel connected.


For Phonics this week we will be breaking words into syllables (sound parts) to help us with spelling when writing. Did you know that every word can be broken up into parts called syllables and that every syllable contains a vowel? This is a handy tip to remember when spelling tricky words!


What you can do at home

Encourage reading every night (or in the morning before school, if that suits the routine  in your household better!). Please remember to complete the Reading Log each night that your child reads. Your child's classroom teacher will check Reading Logs each week, usually on a Friday.



This week, we will continue looking at data. We will use data collections to help build charts and graphs, showing a variety of ways to present the information collected.

We will also be thinking about patterns; using shapes to make repeated patterns and growing patterns and using number lines to demonstrate skip counting patterns. Knowing how to skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s is useful when counting large collections of things-this makes counting efficient!


What you can do at home

Maths is found in so many board games. 'Snakes & Ladders' is a great example-students need to think about numbers, revisit addition and consider counting patterns while having fun playing. Why don't you play a board game with the family this week and think about the maths that is involved while you play!



Thank you to the many families that have already kindly contributed tissues and wipes to our classrooms. We would greatly appreciate any more contributions of these items, if you are able to do so. 


Please ensure your child brings their 'Take Home Book Pocket' to school every day. Help your child by reminding them to pack it in their school bag as soon as they have finished reading at home. This will help with setting a good daily habit, making things easier in the long run!


Please remember to pack a reusable water bottle each day in your child's school bag. With some warmer weather predicted this week, it is important that we all have easy access to water. Having a water bottle available in the classroom is an easy way for your child to stay hydrated at all times.