Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 3, Term 1


🗓️ Upcoming Dates: 

Wednesday 14th Feb: Assessment Day #2

Monday 19th Feb: Whole School Assembly (Preps will be attending. Parents are welcome!)

Wednesday 21st Feb: Assessment Day #3

Wednesday 28th Feb: Assessment Day #4


💙💚 Congratulations!

We are so proud of the way the Preps have transitioned to school! It is a big life change and they are taking it in their stride! 

Our priority and focus in these first weeks is to help your child feel safe, welcomed and to establish their sense of belonging at school. 


🏫 Starting the day

From this week onwards, we would like to encourage you and your child to say good bye at the door, to allow them to begin developing independence and establishing morning routines. 


🚗 Picking up

You are welcome to pick up your child outside of your 'allocated' time. If this is the case, please let us know so that we can get your child to where they need to be, at the right time.


👩🏻‍⚕️ School Nursing Program

Please remember to go online and register so that you can accept (or decline) the school nursing program offer by the 13th of February. 

The QR code is up on the window of each classroom.



📚 Reading 

Students will learn about the elements of books, such as the front cover and title, title page, author and illustrator.  We will also sequence the events of stories, to develop comprehension skills.

Students will listen to Big Books and complete tasks related to the story. 


What can you do at home?

-Read to your child at bed time. Ask them what is happening in the story. 


🔡 Phonics 

Students will learn about the letters 'a' (first half of the week) and 't' (second half of the week) and their sounds. They will learn the cued articulation and brainstorm words that begin with 'a' and 't'.


What you can do at home?

-Ask your child to show you the cued articulation for 'a' and 't', and the sounds they make.

-Discuss words that start with 'a' and 't', or words that contain these sounds. 


📝 Writing 

Students will be learning how to write their name in 'school' writing, with one capital letter at the start of their name, followed by lower case letters. This will continue to be a focus throughout the first term.


What can you do at home?

-Help your child to write their name in 'school' writing - a capital letter followed by lower case letters. 

-Help your child to develop their pencil grip / pinch. See the images below as a guide.

Left Hand
Right Hand
Left Hand
Right Hand


🔢  Maths 

Students will explore concepts of number including 1-1 counting, subitising (recognising a group of dots quickly, without counting) and sequencing. They will use tools like dice, dominoes and number lines to assist them. 

When students play maths games, they will work in collaborative partnerships and small groups to develop skills like taking turns, playing fairly and being a good sport.


What can you do at home? 

-Play games that involve dice and dominoes.

-Count collections with 1-1 counting.

-Practise writing numbers.


🌏 CBL - Community

Students have been going on 'school tours' with their teacher, to meet the important people in our community. We will complete our school tours this week and discuss the people we met along the way, and how they can help us (eg. the office staff, the principal / assistant principal, etc).

We will talk about the ways we can be safe in our community to look after each other, and complete an 'I Can Play Safely at School' class book.