Education News



The Year 3 & Year 5 students sat NAPLAN testing this week.  At CSPS the students sat 

4 tests across the 4 testing days. We sat a total of 343 online tests and 49 paper writing tests.

Results for NAPLAN will not be released until later in the year.  Parents will be advised when the results are available.

Congratulations to all of the students who showed the CSPS 5Ps of Purpose, Postivity, Persistence, Passion and Pride.

Foundation News 


Hello Fantastic Foundation Families,

Your children have been doing an amazing job of settling into school! They have made so much progress in the few short weeks since our last newsletter entry.

This term has been extremely busy with lots of learning and several fun events.

  • In Maths we have been working on improving number sense to 10 including correct number formation and solidifying their understanding of more and less than a given number. 
  • They have been working hard in our phonics lessons and will soon be bringing home their reading satchels. You will see how many letter sounds they know and how they are beginning to segment and blend words. Practising these letter sounds (pgcs) and segmenting and blending words in their drill books will help so much.

Foundations had so much fun at our Meet and Greet a few weeks ago, have taken part in The Colour Run, cross country and had the opportunity to visit the school book fair. But wait there's more - next week we will be having a Murrup Day where students will be exploring cultural diversity in multi-age groups,  an Easter Bonnet and Pyjama Day and last but not least there will be Junior School Athletics on the last day of term.

The Foundation Team would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter and hope you enjoy a well deserved break!

Learning Tasks 

Have you opened your child's Term 1 Learning Tasks in Compass?  Each student has had three Learning Tasks uploaded to the Compass Portal in Term 1.  Learning Tasks provide a snapshot of learning in Writing, Reading and Mathematics each term. Student work is uploaded for parents and caregivers to view. Further goals may be included.  Marking is provided by a rubric (a scoring guide that assesses and articulates specific espectations of the ask) and shows the students level of achievement in that area as: 

  • Exceeding, 
  • Strong, 
  • Developing and
  • Needs additional support

These are the same levels that are used in NAPLAN reporting. Proficiency standards were introduced in 2023 to provide simple and clear information for parents and carers about:

  • whether their child is where they need to be in relation to the development of their literacy and numeracy skills at the time of testing
  • if not, they will indicate to the school that interventions and learning supports may need to be put in place for those students who may be at risk of falling behind