Building and Grounds News

Building and Grounds Committe 


We are calling for volunteers to be a part of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. This committee would be a sub committee of the CSPS School Council.  You DO NOT have to be on School Council to be a member.


The B & G committee will meet 4-6 times per year. The primary role of this committee is to oversee the development of our school site.  This could include organising working bees and gathering ideas for long term planning. 


The B & G Committee would like to hold its first committee meeting on Wednesday 17th April at 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm. If you would like to be a part of this committee please register your interest by contacting Karen Halket on


If you have a great idea, have a relevant skill or would just like to help out. Come on down!

Building Works over the School Holidays 

There may be some scheduled works completed over the holiday period. 


1.  Some works will be completed in front of the gallery area. The tanbark will be removed and flexi paving will be installed.

2.  A new Bike Shed site will be prepared for installation at a later date. This will be installed between the Year 1 building and the shipping containers on the West side of the property.

Did you know that the CSPS Facilites are available for Hire?  This is includes the outside play spaces eg. hard courts.

Sporting teams that are 'training' should only use these facilities if an agreement has been arranged with the school.  Any questions or queries, please contact the Office.