Principal Class News

COMPASS Calendar of Events

We 'P' everywhere at CSPS

We have so much to celebrate here at CSPS.  On a daily basis, we celebrate with:

  • Put Ups
  • High fives
  • Positive acknowledgements on Compass
  • House Points
  • Special class rewards
  • Raffle tickets in the 'P' cup
  • Ribbons
  • Raffle tickets
  • Sitting on the 'P' chair at assembly (P represents Principal, Privilege and Murrup - Spirit)

The most incredible moment is always when we acknowledge kindness and support between students when they think 'no one is watching'.  That is when you know the students fully understand the meaning of being a great human being. 

Look at this incredible smile.  Bursting with pride as a successful learner at CSPS and a very proud Principal.  It is times like this that you feel you are a proud mother of 340 children each and every day.  Well Done little buddy.

We had a number of fathers and their kids come along to our first Fathering Project session. They enjoyed a sausage sizzle and then the father's had a chat with Andrew Keegle from the Fathering Project. The fathers and their children then spent some time making and playing with paper planes. Spending time being present with their children.

Principal class Community briefing

We are wishing to provide a further way for parents/carers to keep breast of what is happening here at CSPS.  Twice a term, we will provide a community briefing video to bring to your attention:

  • the most important school matters at present
  • upcoming matters for you to be aware of and plan for

Please use the QR code to provide us some feedback.

Governance Sub Committee member

Would you like to extend your knowledge of how schools run, in relation to Governance matters, eg. Policies? 

If so, we are looking for at least one additional member of the Governance Sub Committee of School Council.

Note:  You do NOT need to be a member of School Council to be a Sub Committee member.

If you are interested, we meet only twice a term, during school hours (online or in person).  For more information please contact the Office.

Pupil Free Day Term 3 

Please note the Pupil Free day in Term 3 is Wednesday 14th August, 2024.  This date was ratified at the recent School Council Meeting and has now been added to the Compass calendar. 


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Pupil Free Day(4)Monday 290124

Reporting & Assessment

Tuesday 110624

Wednesday 1408024Monday 21224

QKR for Android Users

The Android Phone issue for QKR has now been resolved, parents/users can now

download the App from the Google Play Store.