Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Welcome to our last newsletter for the year. It's hard to believe another year has flown past, and what a great year it's been!  A reminder to all families that school will finish on Wednesday at 2.30pm.  As it is the last day of school, this will be a casual dress day.  Please bring a gold coin donation, which will go towards the work of Food Share.  As it will also be a moving day, students should wear clothing that is both sunsmart and comfortable! 


Like so many weeks prior, this week students and staff have had another busy week with transition day activities and getting ready to move classes in preparation for next year.


On Tuesday, all students in Kinder-6 spent time in their 2024 classes.  Next year, our staffing structure will be as follows:

Prep/1 - Anna Gallasch, 1/2 - Ellen T'Hooft/Steph Sanders, 3/4 - Kim Lynch/Kath Lewinson, 4/5 - Kathryn Jones, 5/6 - Hayley Dodd/Dave Fraser.  Prep-6 Specialist subjects include PE with Dave, Music with Emily, Art with Emily and Nicole, and French with Steph. Angela, Bronwyn, Deirdre, Kylie, Mary, Megan, Michelle, Misa and Nathan will also continue to work in the school to provide 1-1 support for students.  In addition, Nicole will be taking on a newly funded role, working as the school's Mental Health in Primary Schools co-ordinator. We will also have members from the Child and Youth Mental Health Service working with the school to deliver an early intervention (CASEA) program, over the course of the year.  More information about this service will be circulated next year, when there will be an opportunity for families to meet the CASEA team.

Today, we held our final assembly for the year, as well as our Year 6 graduation ceremony.  It is always sad to say goodbye to our students, but after the excitement of this week's transition day, I know our students are ready and excited for the next step in their learning journey.  A big thank you to all staff and students for their role in these events.  I would particularly like to acknowledge Amanda for time given to the wonderful display of photos that showcased the Year 6 students' progression over their years at Primary School. 

Sadly, this means that we are also farewelling some of our families.  On behalf of us all, I would like to thank all families for their contribution to our school community and partnership in their child's learning, during their time at Mount Beauty Primary School.  We wish you and your family all the very best for the future.

Many thanks also to everyone who attended today's events and for all of your ongoing support throughout the year.  We really appreciate all the assistance we have been given by our volunteers, and would particularly like to acknowledge Lucy for her time working with students in the garden and the many Red Cross Volunteers who have worked to provide our breakfast club. Thank you also to the many parents who have volunteered their time to assist on our camps, excursions, sporting events and other school activities and programs.  


As we close out the year, I would also like to thank all our staff for the tremendous work they have done again this year, to achieve the best outcomes we can for our students.  A great deal of emotional and mental energy goes into their roles and, once again, they have given it their all.  I have no doubt that they are all looking forward to spending some time recharging and having time with their families.


Sadly, next week we will farewell Kristie, Charlotte and Ana.  We wish them all the best for the future and extend our sincere thanks for their role in supporting student learning, health and well-being, during their time at Mount Beauty Primary School.  


With 2023 drawing to a close, we are now getting ready for 2024. With the changes to our class structure, we will also be moving some of our classrooms, so that the Prep-2 classes can share the open-learning space that is currently being used by the Year 5/6 classes, and the older students can all be together in one building.  From tomorrow, it will be all hands on deck to move furniture and resources.  Next week, we will also be moving resources and music equipment out of the current music room, ready for the first of the renovations to take place in the BER building!



As our formal learning program has now concluded, student reports will be uploaded to Compass today.  Families are reminded that if this is your child's last year at Mount Beauty Primary School, please download and save all your child's reports, as these will not be available after the 31st December, 2023.


Thank you for your support this year.  We wish you all a safe and happy summer and look forward to seeing you all again in 2024!