General School Information
Library News
Library life is bright and happy!
Please come and visit us for a chat, read, browse, or time away from the busyness of school days.
We offer a diverse collection of classics and new books, plus comfy spots to curl up and read.
We also put together Book Stacks! They are a collection of books tailored just for you! Come and visit or email a request.
Displays are always changing depending on local and Australian events.
The library is open Break 1 & 2 every day, so you are welcome to borrow and return books daily.
We will offer reading challenges and fun events throughout the year.
What have you read lately? Come and let us know.
Laura Terry & Karla Crosby
Canteen News
Lunch orders are DUE to the office by 11.00 am and online by 3.00 pm. Don't forget to include your reusable lunch bag.
ONLINE ORDERS: A reminder to please update your child/ren's 2024 class.
Volunteers: Can you help? We are always looking for volunteers to help out in the canteen. If you're interested, please contact Mary (Canteen Manager).
E: or M: 0421 068 471.
You will also need to contact Gabby Walsh regarding the paperwork required for volunteering E:
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 1 2024 Scholastics catalogues distributed this week to classrooms, check your child/ren's bag.
Order online (preferred).
Subscribe via
or return the order form with money to the office.
Orders are due by Friday 16th February.
Any questions don't hesitate to message me, Marcene Haythorpe: 0434 272 620